28 South First Avenue - Mount Vernon, New York 10550 - (914) 668-1840


MVPL Children’s Poetry Gallery
by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)
Submitted by Dirty Dog
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)
Submitted by Dirty Dog
In the twilight rain
these brilliant-hued hibiscus –
A lovely sunset.
by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)
Submitted by Dirty Dog
Autumn moonlight-
a worm digs silently
into the chestnut.

Mommies by Nikki Giovanni

Social Distancing Haikus

A Bee by Deanna Caswell Submitted by Bill



Social Distancing Haiku