28 South First Avenue - Mount Vernon, New York 10550 - (914) 668-1840


Access to the library’s periodicals collection is obtained at the Periodicals Desk located in the Reference Room. The holdings include approximately 500 current magazines, journals, federal and New York State government documents, major metropolitan and local newspapers. The Periodicals Desk maintains a collection of over 22,000 bibliographic volumes of magazines and newspapers. In addition to various periodical indexes in print, patrons may access many periodicals through our online resources such as EbscoHost, ProQuest, and InfoTrac, which are provided by the Westchester Library System. Newsbank, another online resource which indexes a variety of newspapers is provided through The Mount Vernon Public Library. A library card is required to access Newsbank. The Daily Argus (now the Journal News) is indexed from September 1985 through August 15, 1998. These indexes are located by the Periodicals Desk in the Reference Room.

Circulation Policy

  • Newspaper and Reference copies do not circulate.
  • Most current issues do not circulate.
  • Periodicals that are published within the last 12 months can circulate for 1 week (7 days).
  • Maximum of 3 issues of the same title per patron can circulate.
  • A total of 5 issues can circulate per patron.
  • Late fines are $.10 cents per day. Periodicals are NOT renewable.
  • A list of our holdings is available below and at the Periodicals desk.

Periodicals Holdings Lists (Updated 03-04-2024)

Color Code:

  • Children’s Magazines – Green
  • Newspapers – Red
  • Magazines and Journals – Black
  • Teen Magazines – Blue
  • Available in Flipster – [FLIPSTER]
  • ALL

    914 Inc. Have V.1, 2010 – V.5, 2014; V. 14 2023+
    Additude Keep 3 years
    Adolescence H. v. 30 #117 Spring 1995 – v. 44, 2009
    Ad Astra H. mfm v. 1 1989 – v. 8 1996
    Adult Education Quarterly H.  v.51, Jan.2001- v.61,  Feb.2011
    Advocate Keep 3 years, [FLIPSTER]
    Africa Report H. v. 12, 1967 – v. 40, June 1995
    African American Review (form. Black American Forum Review) H. v. 26, 1992 – v. 31, 1997
    African Arts Keep indef., Have V. 1973 – V. 47, 2014
    Afro-Americans in N.Y. Life & History Keep indef. Have V. 1, 1977 – V. 34, 2010
    ALA Bulletin (Amer. Library Assoc.) (title chg’d to American Libraries) H. 1927 – 1969
    Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Keep 3 years
    All Animals Keep 1 year
    All Recipes Magazine On Flipster.
    Keep 2 years,
    Have V. 11, Holiday 2023+
    Allure Magazine Flipster Only
    Alternative Medicine Magazine Flipster Only
    America Keep 3 years
    America(Microfilm) Have v.1, 1909 – v. 207, 2012
    American Artist K. indef. H. 1940 – v.76, 2012
    American City & County (form. American City title chg’d in 9/1975) Keep indef. V. 6, 1912 – V. 135, 2020
    American Enterprise v.1 1990 – v.6 July/Aug. 1995
    American Heritage H. v.1, 1949 – v.62, 2012
    American Historical Review H. v.69, 1964 – v.116, February 2011
    American History(formerly American History Illustrated) K. indef. H. v.29 #2 June 1994 + [FLIPSTER]
    American History Illustrated
    ( chg’d to American History 6/1994)
    H. 1967 – 1993
    American Homes & Gardens H. Jan. 1909 – 1915
    American Imago H. v.25,1968 – v.67, 2010
    American Journal of Education (formerly School Review) Keep indef. Have V. 88, 11/1979 – V. 124, 2/2018
    American Journal of Orthopsychiatry mfm v. 40 1970 – v.66 1996
    American Journal of Psychiatry (microfilm) Have mfm v.126 7/1969 – v.166, 2009
    American Journal of Public Health Keep indef. H. 1928 – v.104, Jan.2014
    American Journal of Sociology Keep indef. H. 1895 – v.118, 2013
    American Legacy H. v.3 #1 Spring 1997 – Spring, 2010
    American Libraries (form ALA Bulletin) K. indef. H. v.1 1970 – v.29 6/1998,v.31 2000 +
    American Literature H. v. 52 March 1980 – v. 69 1997
    American Magazine H. v.63 Nov. 1906 – v. 162 Aug. 1956
    American Magazine of Art H. in stacks,v. 15,1924 – v. 29,1936
    American Mercury (chg’d to New American Mercury in Dec. 1950) H. v. 1 1924 – v. 116 Spring 1980
    American Psychologist (Hard copy) H. v.52, 1997 – v.66, January 2011
    American Psychologist (microfilm) H. v.25, 1970 – v.51, 1996
    American Record Guide K. indef. H. v.56 1993 +
    American Review of Reviews See Review of Reviews
    American Rifleman Keep 10 years
    American Road Keep 2 years
    American School Board Journal Have V. 191, 2004 – V. 201, January – June 2014
    American Scientist K. indef. H. v.70 #4 July/Aug. 1982 +
    American Visions H. v.1 #1 Jan./Feb. 1986 – 2000
    Americana H. v.1 Mar. 1973-v.20 Jan./Feb. 1993
    Americas K. indef. H 1952 – v.64, Jan-June 2012
    Ancestry Have v.27,2009 to v.28, Mar/Apr. 2010
    Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly(AWI) K. current year only
    Animal Wellness Magazine Flipster Only
    Animation(YA) Keep 1 year
    Antiques (title chg’d to Magazine Antiques) H. 1926, v.62 8/1952 – v.99 1971
    Antiques & Collecting Hobbies (formerly Hobbies until Feb. 1986) mfm v.91 #1 3/1986 – v.98 #7 9/1993
    (title chg’d to Antiques & Collecting Magazine Oct. 1993)
    Antiques & Collecting Magazine( changed to Treasures Magazine) K. indef. H. v.107 2001 – v.116, June 2011 +
    Antiques & Collecting Magazine mfm H. v. 98, Oct.,1993 – Feb., 1997
    Archaeology K. indef. H. v.35 #6 Nov./Dec. 1982 +
    Archie Jumbo Comics(YA) Keep 1 year
    Architectural Digest Keep 10 years
    Architectural Forum H. 1917 – March 1974
    Architectural Record Have v.23, 1908 – v.202, February 2014
    Architecture Plus H. v.2 May,1974-v.2,Dec. 1974
    Art – Archaoelogy v.5 Jan. 1917 – v.34 Dec.1933
    Art in America Keep 10 years
    Art Index H. v. 1, 1929 – v. 79, 4/2008
    Art News Annual See Card Catalog
    Art World (title chg’d to Arts & Decoration) v.9 May 1918 – v.10 April 1919
    Art Forum H. v.24, Jan. 1986 – v.52, March 2014
    Art News Keep 10 years
    Arts & Decoration v.11 May 1919 – v.54 Dec. 1941
    Arts Education Policy Review (form. Design for Arts in Education) H. v.94 #1 S/O 1992 – v.97 #4 M/A 1996
    Asia H. v.19 1919 – v.46 1946
    Ask (J) K. 1 year
    Assassination of President John F. Kennedy(R-973.922) Mfm-documentary of JFK Assassination
    Astronomy Keep 5 years
    Atelier See London Studio
    Atlantic (hard copy) Keep 3 years , [FLIPSTER]
    Atlantic [microfilm] V. 1, 11/1857 – V. 314, 2014
    Atlas World Press Review (title chg’d to World Press Review) H. v.26 1979
    Attention Keep 3 years
    Audio H. v.79,1995 – v.82 March 1998
    Audubon Magazine Have V. 109, 2007 – V. 117, 2015
    Autism Asperger’s Sensory Digest Keep 3 years
    Aviation H. Jan. 1926 – Dec. 1946
    Aviation Week H. v. 1 July, 1947 – v. 70 Dec. 1959
    Aviation Week & Space Technology Keep indef. H. v. 72, 1960+
    Babybug (J) Keep 1 year [FLIPSTER]
    Barron’s Keep 1 year
    Bead & Button K. Indef.; Have 2010 – 2020
    Best of Popular Music (title chg’d to Popular Music in 1979) H. Dec. 1972 – 1978
    Better Homes & Gardens Keep 10 Years
    Better Nutrition Flipster Only
    Billboard Keep 2 years
    Biography Index Keep indef. H.1946 – v.64, 2010
    Biography Today (J) H. v.1  2010 – v.21, 2012
    Black American Literature Forum (Negro American Literature Forum) H. Winter 1976 – Winter 1991
    (title chg’d to African American Review Spring 1992)
    Black Art (chg’d to International Review of African American Art v.6 1984) H. Fall, 1977 – v.5 1983
    Black Beauty & Hair Flipster Only
    Black Collegian Keep indef. H. v.3, Sept./Oct.1972 – v.41, Sep. 2010
    Black Enterprise(Microfilm) V.1 8/1970 – V.45, 1/2015
    Black Film Review H. v.4 1988 – v.7 1991
    Black Girls Magazine Flipster Only
    Black History Bulletin (form. Negro History Bulletin) K. Indef. H. v.65, 2002 – V. 76, 2013
    Black Issues Book Review Ceased Publishing;H. v. 1,1999-v.9, 2007
    Black Living in Westchester H. v.1 Aug. 1982 – v.4 April 1986
    Black Masks Have  v.18,2008 – v.23,2017
    Black Music Research Bulletin ( Formerly Black Music Research Newsl.) H. v.10 Spring 1988 – v.12 Fall 1990
    Black Music Research Newsletter K. Indef., H. v. 4,1980 – v. 9, 1987
    Black Perspective in Music H. v.1 Spring 1973 – v.17 Fall 1989
    Black Scholar K. indef. H. v.28,1998 – v.43 2013 & H. mfm v.1. 1969 – v.27 1997
    Black World(microfilm) V. 19, 11/1969 – V. 25, 4/1976
    Bon Appetit Flipster Only
    Book Links (J)  Keep 1 year
    Book Review Digest H. v.1, 1905 – v.107 January to September 2012
    Booklists Keep indef. H. Sept. 1932 +
    Bookman H. Feb. 1895 – March 1933
    Bookmarks K. Indef.;H. #38, 1/09+
    Breakthroughs in Health & Science (formerly Science Digest) H. v.1 #1 July 1990-Feb. 1991 on mfm
    Bronx County Historical Society Journal K. indef. Have v.13, Fall 1976 – v.45, 2008
    Bronx Historian Keep indef. H. v.5 #1 Sept./Oct. 1982 – v.26, 2003
    Bronx Westchester Life H. Aug. 1961 – Nov. 1966
    Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists H. mfm only v. 1 1945 – v.52 1996
    Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (J) Keep indef. Have., February 1955 +
    (form. Center for Children’s Books Bulletin)
    Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art H. v. 3, 1908 – v.37, 5/1942
    (title chg’d to Metropolitan Museum of Art)
    Bulletin of the Pan American Union H. v.34, 1912 – v.79, 1945
    Business Periodicals Index H. v.1, 1958 – v.52, 2010
    Business Week(microfilm) 1/13/1975 – 1/6/2013
    BUST Keep 3 years
    Callaloo K. indef. H. v.12 #1 Winter 1989 -v.33, 2010
    Capital Ideas( formerly State news) Keep 10 years
    Car & Driver Keep 5 years  [FLIPSTER]
    Career Development Quarterly (form. Vocational Guidance Quarterly) H. v.35 Sept. 1986 – v.42 1994
    Careers & The Disabled Keep 2 years
    Caribbean Writer (shelved in Reference R 809.8) Catalogued
    Catholic World (chg’d to New Catholic World)Mfm only H. v.1, 4/1865 – v.213 9/1971
    Catholic World (chg’d to New Catholic World)Continued: H. v.232, 1989 – v.239 Feb. 1996
    Catnip Keep 1 year
    Center Magazine (title chg’d to New Perspectives Quarterly) H. v.1 #1 Oct./Nov. 1967 – 1987
    Century Magazine H. Nov. 1881 – April 1929
    Chemical & Engineering News H. v.73, 1993 – v.76 March 1998
    Chess Life Keep 5 years
    Chess Life kids Flipster Only
    Chief Civil Service Leader Weekly Keep 3 months
    Child Welfare Keep indef., Have V. 90, 2011 – V. 97, 2019
    Christian Century Keep 3 years
    Christian Century (microfilm) Keep Indef. Have V. 17, 1900 – V. 129, 2012
    Christian Science Monitor(Hard Copy) Keep 1 year
    Christian Science Monitor(Microfilm) H. 1981 – 1992
    Christianity Today Keep 3 years
    Christopher Street H. 1990 – Nov. 1995
    Chronicle(Hard Copy) 9/1869-8/1898
    Chronicle(Microfilm) 8/27/1870-5/1898
    Chronicle of Higher Education Keep 1 year
    Chronicle Record(Hard Copy) H.9/1898-1901
    Chronicle Record(Microfilm) 1/1901-7/12/1901
    Citizen’s Outlook(Single Issues) June – Dec., 1936(October, 1936 is missing)
    Civil Liberties Keep 2 years
    Civil Rights Journal (U.S. Depository) H. v. 1, 1995 – v. 6, 2002
    CLA Journal H. v.27 Sept. 1983 – v.41 1998
    Clearing House H. v.10, 9/1935 – v.71 July/Aug. 1998
    Coin World Newspaper Keep 6 months
    College English H. mfm v.1 Oct. 1939 – v.71 JULY 2009
    Color Line(Microfiche) H. v.1 1946 – v.2 1947
    Columbia Law Review Have v. 6, 10/1974 – V. 114, 2014
    Commentary Keep Indef. H. v.21 1956 +
    Commentator Dec. 1946;Jan., 1947;Feb. 1947
    Commonweal(microfilm) V. 1, 11/1924 to V. 139, 2009
    Computers In Libraries Keep 5 years
    Congressional Digest Have v. 2, 10/1922 – V. 94, January to June 2015
    Connoisseur(Bound volumes: July 1931-1941) H. v. 113-122, 1944-Feb. 1992(loose copies)
    Conservationist (Title Chg. to NY State Conservationist-6/1995) H. v.42,1988 – May, 1995
    Conservative Digest H. v.1 #1, 1/1975 – v.15 #5- 9/10,1989
    Consumer Reports Keep Indef. H. v.56 1991 +
    Consumer Reports Buying Guide Have 2016-2022
    Consumer Reports on Health Keep 1 year
    Consumers Research Magazine H. v.86, 2003 – v.87, Feb. 2004
    Contemporary Psychology H. v.3, 1958 – v.32 Feb. 1987
    Contract Interiors H. June 1977 – Sept. 1978
    formerly Interiors changed again back to Interiors in 1978)
    Cooks Illustrated Keep 5 years
    Cornell Catwatch Keep one year,,h v.27, 1/2023+
    Cornell Dogwatch Keep one year, h v.27,11/2023+
    Cosmopolitan Keep 3 years
    Cotton Bat Dec. 15, 1876
    County Life H. v.1 July 1982 – v.3 Feb. 1984
    CQ Researcher (form. Editorial Research Reports) Have. v.1  May 10, 1991 – Jan.14, 2011
    CQ Weekly H.  v.68, 2010 – v.70, March 19, 2012
    Crafts n’ Things H. v.20 1995 – v.23 April 1998
    The Craftsman H. April 1908 – Dec. 1916
    Crain’s New York Business Keep 1 year
    Cricket (J) Keep 1 year
    Crisis (formerly New Crisis) Keep 3 years
    Crochet Have V.31,2018-V.36,Summer 2023
    Crochet World Keep 5 years, Have V.46 Autumn 2023+ & Flipster
    CSG Capitol Ideas H. V56,2013-V74 2022
    Cuisine at Home Keep 3 years, Have February, 2020+
    Cumulative Book Index H. 1912 – 1999
    Current Have mfm 1972-1996
    Current Biography Keep indef. H. 1940 +
    Current Book Review Citations H. 1976 – 1980
    Current History H. v.96 1997 + mfm v.1 1914 – v.94, 1995
    Current Index to Journals in Education(CIJE) microfiche in cabinet with Journal News
    Current Opinion H. v. 54, 1913 – v. 77, 1924
    Daedalus H. v.117, 1988 – v.127 Winter 1998
    Daily Argus (title chg’d to Mount Vernon Argus 6/13/1994)(Microfilm) 1892 – June 12,1994
    Daily Eagle(Single Issues) H. Nov. 6,1901;Feb. 13, 1902;Oct. 25,1902
    June 12, 1963;Oct. 30, 1963
    Daily Graphic(Single Issues) March 27, 1897
    Daily News Keep 6 months
    Dance Magazine Keep 5 years
    DAV Magazine Keep 5 years, Have V. 62, 2020+
    Day Care & Early Education
    (title chg’d to Early Childhood Education Journal Fall 1995)
    H. v.18 1991 – v.22 Summer 1995
    Delineator H. v. 3,1909-v. 92, June 1918;v.108,1926-v.29,1936
    Design H. May 1924 – Sept./Oct. 1977
    Design for Arts & Education H. v.79 1977 – v.93 July/Aug. 1992
    (title chg’d to Arts Education Policy Review as of Sept./Oct. 1992)
    Design Quarterly H. 1954 – 1992
    Diabetes Self-Management Keep 4 years  [FLIPSTER]
    Dial H. 1909-6/1909, 1910-1917, 7/1926-6/1929
    Discover Keep indef. H. v.4 #1 Jan. 1983 +
    Discover(YA) Keep 1 year
    DIVERSITYCOMM Keep 2 year
    Do It Yourself Have V. 23, Spring, 2016+
    Dogster Keep 1 year
    Down Beat Keep 5 years
    Drama H. Oct. 1924 – June 1931
    Drama Review H. v.20 1976 – v.41 1997
    Eagle March 24 – 30, 1977
    Eastchester Independent & Westchester Courier Oct. 23 & 30,1874;Jan. 1 & 15, 1875
    Feb. 12 & 18, 1875;April 9, 1875;March 30,1877
    Eastchester Independent (Single Issues) July 4, 1874
    Eastchester News (Single Issues) March 25, 1882
    Ebony(Hardcopy) V. 67, 2012 – V. 72, 2016
    Ebony(microfilm) v.1, 11/1945– V. 68, 10/2013
    Economic Indicators (U.S.Depository) Keep 5 years
    Economist Keep 5 years
    Editorial Research Reports (title chg’d to CQ Researcher 5/10/1991) H. 1937 – 1991
    Education(microfilm) V. 9/1880 – V. 135, Summer, 2015
    Education Digest(microfilm) v.15, September 1949 – V. 129, January – May 2015
    Education Index H. v.1, 1929 – January to September 2011
    Education Week Keep 1 year
    Educational Review H. June 1901 – May 1928
    Elementary English (title chg’d to Language Arts with v.52 #6 1975) H. mfm v.52 Jan. – May 1975
    Elementary School Journal(microfilm) V. 1, 7/1900 – V. 115, 6/2015
    Elle Magazine Flipster Only
    Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Keep 5 years
    EM: Ebony Man H. v.4 1989 – v.13 Jan. 1998
    Emerge H. v.6 1995 – v.11 June 2000
    Empire State Mason Keep 1 year
    Empire State Report Have V. 8, 5/1982 – V. 39, 2013
    English Journal H. Hardcopy: v.98, 2009 – v.99, 2010;
    H. Microfilm: v.39, 1950  – v.98, July 2009;
    Entrepreneur Keep 5 years
    Environment H. v.12 1970 – v.40 Sept. 1998
    Environmental Action H. v.4 Aug. 1972 – v.27 Summer 1996
    Esquire K. indef. H. v.69 1968 +
    Essay & General Literature Index H. 1900 – 2011
    Essence Keep 3 years, [FLIPSTER]
    Essence(microfilm) V. 3, 5/1972 –V. 43, 4/2013
    Etude H. v.42 1924 – v.75 May/June 1957
    Everybody’s Magazine H. 12 1905 – v.59 1928
    Exceptional Children Keep indef.,  Have V. 41, 1975 – V. 84, 2/2018
    Experience Life Keep 5 yrs
    Explicator K. indef. H. v.45 #2 1987 – v.54 #1 1995
    Facts on File Have. v.1, 1941 – v.70, 2010 / 2 yrs. + curr. yr. @ Ref.Desk
    Family Advocate Keep 10 years
    Family Handyman Keep 10 years
    Family Health (form. Today’s Health) H. mfm. v.8 April 1976 – v.13 June 1981
    Family Relations K. Indef;H. v.54 2004 – v.60 Feb. 2011
    Family Tree Keep 3 years
    Fanfare K. indef. H. v.9 #3 Jan./Feb. 1986 +
    Fast Company Keep 2 years
    Federal Census Population
    (Mfm Cabinets by Children’s Rm)
    #1175, #1176, #1178
    Film Comment Keep indef., Have V. 44, 2008 – V. 56, 1/2020 – 4/2020
    Film Facts H. Feb. 1958 – Dec. 1977
    Film Quarterly H. v.14 1960 – v.51 Winter 1998
    Fleetwood Digest (Single Issues) Nov. 1, 1951;Nov. 8, 1951;Nov. 17, 1951
    Fleetwood News(Includes Single Issues-Incomplete Run) H. 1931 – 1942
    Focus on Healthy Aging Keep 5 years
    Food Network Keep 2 years, Have V. 16, 12/23+
    Forbes Keep 5 years
    Fordham Law Review K. indefinitely, Have V. 44, Oct. 1975 – V. 89, 10/2020
    Foreign Affairs Have V. 5, 1926 – V. 101, January/February 2022
    Foreign Policy K. indef. H. Spring 1981 +
    Foreign Policy Reports H. March 18, 1931 – March 1, 1945
    Fortnightly K. indef., Have 1935 – 1949
    Fortnightly Review H. June 1908-June 1942,Jan.1943-Dec.1946
    Fortune K. 10 yrs. H. v.135 mfm v.1 1930-v.134 1996
    Forum H. March 1886 – June 1939; V. 105, 1945-V.112, 1949
    Free Inquiry Keep 10 years
    Freedomways H. mfm v.1 Spring 1961 – v.25 1985
    The Futurist Have V. 40, 2006 – V. 48, 2014
    Garden Gate Keep indef., Have 2022+
    Garden & Home Builder H. Feb.1913-Jan.1916, Aug.1916-Feb.1928
    Gay & Lesbian Review Keep 5 years
    Girl’s Life (YA) Keep 1 year
    Glitter Magazine Flipster Only
    Gluten Free & More(formally Simply Gluten Free) Keep 2 years, Have July/August 2022+
    Godey’s Lady Book & Ladies American Magazine H. v. 54, 1857 – v. 80, 1870
    Good Housekeeping(v. 53, Jul-Dec. 1911 is missing) Keep indef. H. 1909 +
    Good Ole Days K. 3 years
    GQ (Gentleman’s Quarterly) Keep 5 years   [FLIPSTER]
    Grade Teacher (title chg’d Teacher v.90 Sept. 1972) mfm. H. v.51 Sept. 1933 – June 1972
    Granta K. indef. H. #38 Winter 1991 – v.113, Winter 2011
    Graphis H. v.44 1988 – v.48 1992
    Guitar Player Keep 2 years
    Harper’s Bazaar H. mfm v.1 Nov. 1868 – 1996, Flipster
    Harper’s Magazine(Hard copy) H. , v. 294, 1997 +
    Harper’s Magazine(microfilm) H. mfm only. v1., 1850 – v. 293, 1996
    Harvard Business Review Have V. 44, 1966 – V. 92, 2014
    Harvard Educational Review H. v.34, 1964 – v.83, 2013
    Harvard Health Letter Have V. 6, 11/1990 – V. 35, 2009; V. 36/37, 2011; V. 38/39, 2013
    Harvard Law Review H. v.88 #1 Nov. 1974 – H.v123 Jan.-June, 2010
    Harvard Medical School Health Letter (title changed to Harvard Heath Letter with the Nov. 1990 issue) Have V. 7, 1982 – V. 16, Jan – Oct. 1990
    Harvard Men’s Health Watch Keep 5 years, Have V. , 2021+
    Harvard Women’s Health Watch Keep 5 years, Have V. , 2021+, Flipster
    Headline Series H. 1935 – 2011
    Health Magazine (form. Family Health) H. mfm v.13 July 1981 – v.23, Aug. 1991
    Health Magazine Have V. 6, 1992 – V. 36, January – April 2022
    Health Facts Have V.1,1977 – v.34 July 2009
    Heritage Keep indef., V. 1, S/O 1984 – V. 31, 2016
    High Fidelity (Musical American Edition) H. v.30 1980 – v.39 1989
    Highlights for Children (J) Keep 1 year  [FLIPSTER]
    Highlights Hello (J) Keep 1 year
    Highlights High Five (J) Keep 1 year
    Hispanic Network Keep 3 years
    History Today Keep 10 years
    Hobbies (title chg’d to Antiques & Collecting Hobbies in March 1986) H. v.43 1939-v.48 1943; mfm v.52, 3/1947-v.90,2/1986
    Holiday (title chg’d to Travel Holiday in Nov. 1977) H. 1950 – Oct. 1977
    Home Education Magazine Keep 5 yrs;
    Home Mechanix (form. Mechanix Illustrated,;chg’d to Today’s Homeowner) H. mfm v.81 , 1985 – v.92 ,Aug. 1996
    Horizon H. v.1 1958 – v.32 1989
    Horn Book (J) Keep indef. H. 1930 +
    Horticulture Keep indef. H. 1933 – 1942, 1945 +
    Hot Rod
    Keep indef. H. 1969 +
    Hot Rod (YA)
    Keep 1 year
    House & Garden H. v.33 Jan. 1918 – v.164 July 1993
    House & Home (title chg’d to Housing in 1978) H. V. 1, 7/1952 – V. 51, 1977
    House Beautiful Keep indef. H. Dec. 1910 +
    Housing (formerly House & Home) H. v.53 Jan. 1978 – v.61 Oct. 1982
    Hudson Review H. v.42, 1990 – v.45, Winter, 1993
    Hudson Valley Keep 5 years
    Humanist Keep 1 year
    Hygeia v.6 1928-v.24 1946; v. 25,1947; v.28 ,2/1950
    Ideals H. 1970 – May 2006
    Illustoria(YA) Keep 1 year
    Inc. Keep 10 years
    Independent H. 7/1898 – 12/1898; 1900 – 1921
    Independent 1/1922 -7/1922; 1/1923 – 6/1923; 1/1924 – 10/1928
    Industrial & Labor Relations Review H. v.3, 1950 – v.46, Jan. 1993
    Information Today Keep 1 year
    Instructor (microfilm)(chg’d to Instructor & Teacher v.90 May 1981) V. 5, 11/1895 – V. 90, 1981; V. 96, 1987 – V. 122, Summer, 2013
    Instructor & Teacher (title chg’d to Instructor again with v.96 1/87) H. mfm v.90 May 1981 – v.96 Dec. 1989
    Intellect (title chg’d to USA Today) H. Oct. 1972 – June 1978
    Interiors (title chg’d to Contract Interiors June 1977) H. v.138 #3 Oct. 1978 – v.152 March 1993
    International Affairs have V. 86, 2010 – V. 87, Jan, 2011
    International Fiction Review H. v.10 1983 – v.19 1992
    International Financial Statistics H. v.36 #12 Dec. 1983 – v.51 March 1992
    The International Review of African American Art H. v.1 1984 – v.23, 2010
    International Studio H. March 1902 – Aug. 1931
    Internet Genealogy Keep 2 yrs. H. 2021-2022
    Interweave Crochet Have V. 3, 2009 – V. 15, 2021
    IPhone Life Keep 2 yrs. H. 2021-2022, Flipster
    Jazz Times Keep 5 years, Flipster
    J. D. Power Official Older Used Car Guide (formerly NADA Official Older Used Car Guide) Keep 5 years
    J. D. Power Official Used Car Guide (formerly NADA Used Car Guide) Keep 5 years
    Jet Magazine H. v.43, 1973   – v.123, Jan-June.2014
    JOC Week (title chg’d to Journal of Commerce) H. v.1 June 5, 2000 – v.3 oct. 7, 2002
    JOPERD (Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance) Keep 10 years
    Journal News (title chg’d from Mt.Vernon Argus 10/1/98)(Hard Copy) keep 6months
    Journal News (title chg’d from Mt.Vernon Argus 10/1/98)(Microfilm) v.1 Oct. 1998+
    Journal of Adult Education H. 1934 – 1941
    Journal of African American History (formerly Journal of Negro Education ) Keep indef. H. v.87, 2002; v.89,2004+
    Journal of African American Studies H. v.8, 2004 – v.14, 2010
    Journal of African History(Microfilm) H.  v.1, 1960 – v. 37, 1996
    Journal of African Studies H. v.1 1974 – v.15 1988
    Journal of Applied Psychology H. v.72 1987 – v.82 1997
    Journal of Black Psychology H. v.6 #1 August 1979 – v.37, February 2011
    Journal of Black Studies(Microfilm) H. v.1, Sept. 1970 – v.27, July 1997
    Journal of Black Studies(Hardcopy) H. v.28, Sept. 1997 – Nov. 1997
    Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Keep indef. H. #10 Winter 1995/1996 +
    Journal of Business H. v. 76, 2003 – v. 79, 2006
    Journal of Counseling & Development (formerly Personnel & Guidance Journal ) H. v.63 Sept. 1984 – v.91, April 2013
    Journal of Education Keep 10 years
    Journal of Education for Librianship H. v.1 1960 – v.24 Spring 1984
    (chg’d to J’l of Ed. for Library & Info. Sciences v.86 #2 Summer 1984)
    Journal of Education for Library & Information Science H. v.25 1984 – v. 29 #3 Winter 1989
    Journal of Educational Psychology H. v.51,1960 – v.102, 2010
    Journal of Educational Sociology H. 1934 – 1941
    Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences (formerly Journal of Home Economics until Summer 1994) Keep indef.
    H. v.86, Fall 1994 – v.103, Summer 2011
    Journal of Home Economics (changed to Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences as of Fall 1994) H. v.8, 1916 – v.86, Summer 1994
    Journal of Learning Disabilities H. v.7, Dec. 1974 – v.47, Jan./Feb. 2014
    Journal of Library Administration Keep indef. Have V. 2, 1981 – V. 15, 1991
    Journal of Marriage & the Family H. v.36, 1974 -v.73, January 2011
    Journal of Modern History H. v.59 March 1979 – v.68 1996
    Journal of Negro Education H. 1962 +
    Journal of Negro History (chg’d to Jl of African-American History) H. v.1 1916 – v.85 2000
    Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance See JOPERD
    Journal of Political Economy H. v.24 1926 – v.100 1992
    Journal of Social Issues H. mfm v.26 1970-v.52 1996
    H. V. 65, 2009
    Journal of the American Society for Information(JASIS) H. v.45 Dec.1994 – v.49 1998
    Journal of Women’s History H. v.17 Spring 2005 – v..25, 2013
    Judaism H. 1954 – 1969
    Kenyon Review (microfilm) v.1 1939-v.32 1970, v.1 1979-v.18 1996
    Keramic Studio H. May 1907 – April 1924
    Kiplinger’s Personal Finance (form.Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Mag Keep 10 years
    Ladies Home Journal H. v.16, 1899 – v.130, Jan.-June  2014
    Ladybug Flipster Only
    Landscape Architecture H. v.17 1927 – v.87 1995
    Language Arts (magazine) Keep indef. H. v.74 1997 +
    Language Arts (microfilm) H. v.52 1975 – v.73 1996
    Latina Style Keep 2 years
    Libraries H. 1927 – 1931
    Library & Information Science Research H. v.12 1990 – v.19 1997
    Library Currents H. 1985 – Feb. 1993
    Library Journal Keep 3 years
    Library Journal(microfilm) V. 85, 1960 – V. 140, 2015
    Library Journal (Bound issues) V. 45, 1920 – V. 84, 1959
    Library Literature & Information Science (Indexes) H. 1999 – June 2011
    Library Literature (title chg’d as of August 1999)(Indexes) H. 1921 – July 1999
    Library of Congress Magazine, U.S.Depository Keep 5 years
    Library Quarterly H. v.1 1931 – v.68 Jan. 1998
    Library Trends Keep indef. H. v.1, July 1952 – v.58, 2010
    Life (bound volumes) v.32 7/1898 – v.95 6/1930, v.1 11/1936 – v.7 1939
    Life (magazine) v.8 1940 – v.73 1972, v.1 Oct. 1978 – v.23 April 2000
    Life (microfilm) v.1 1936 – v.73 1972, v.1 1978 – v.19 1996
    Lincoln Review H. v.1 1979 – v.11 1995
    Literary Digest H. 1912 – 1937
    Literary Today Keep current year
    Littel’s Living Age (title chg’d to Living Age) H. v.1 May 1844 – v293, 1917
    Living Age H. v.294, July 1917 – v.360 1941
    London Studio (title chg’d to Studio) H. v.2 July 1931 – v.16 1938
    Look(Microfilm) Feb. 1937 – Oct. 1971
    Louisiana Cookin’ Magazine Keep 2 years, Have V. 26, 11/23+
    Mad Magazine(YA) Keep 1 year
    Magazine Antiques (title chg’d to Antiques) H. v.13 1928 – v.62 July 1952
    Magazine of Art (London Edition) H. v.1 1878 – v.28 1904
    Magazine of Art (Washington Edition) H. v.30 1937 – v.46 May 1953
    Make(YA) Have #49, 2016+
    Management Solutions (chg’d to Supervisory Management Jan.1989) v.31 #6 June 1986 – v.33 #12 Dec. 1988
    Martha Stewart Living Have 2012 –January to May 2022
    Massage Have #237, 2016+
    Masters In Art H. v.1 1900 – v.9 1908
    Mayo Clinic Healthletter Keep indef. H. v.20 Jan. 2002 +
    McCall’s Needlework H. v.32 1987 – v.43 1997
    McClure’s Magazine H. June – Nov. 1893, 1894 – 1918
    Mechanix Illustrated (title chg’d to Home Mechanix Jan. 1985) H. mfm v.42 Nov. 1949 – v.80 1984
    Men’s Health Keep 3 years
    Men’s Journal Keep 2 years, Have V. 29,  2021 & 2022, [FLIPSTER]
    Mental Hygiene(Includes MH v. 57, 1972 – v. 61, 1977) H. 1931 – Fall 1977
    Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin H. v.1 1942 +
    Mid Mod Treasures (formerly Treasures Keep indef., Have V. 9-11, 2020-2022
    Military History Keep indef., Have V. 3, 2019 +
    Missionary Review of the World H. 1900 – 1939
    Moment Keep 5 years
    Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Pubications H. 1925 – 1995;2000 – 2004;Irregular Run
    Monthly Labor Review (U.S. Depository) H. v.34, 1932 – v.130, 2007
    Mother Earth News Keep 5 years
    Mother Jones Keep indef. H. v.6 #8 Sept./Oct. 1981 +
    Motor Trend Keep 5 years
    Mountain Bike Action (Formerly Road Bike Action)(YA) Keep 1 year Have V. 38, 8/2023+
    Ms. H. v.1,6/1972-v.18,11/1989, v.2,7/1991 +
    Mt. Vernon Argus (title chg’d to The Journal News)(Microfilm) June 13, 1994 – Oct. 11, 1998
    Mt. Vernon Bulletin Bound: Jul.25-Dec.1891;
    Single Issues: Aug. 1, 1891& Dec. 26, 1891
    Mt. Vernon Centennial Bound:Sept. 21, 1953-Nov. 10, 1953
    Mt. Vernon Finances (formerly Vernon Finances) Keep indef. H. v.1 April 1994 +
    Mt. Vernon Forum(Single Issues) Sept. 16, 1971-Dec. 23, 1971;
    Jan. 6, 1972-Aug. 14, 1972
    Mt. Vernon Independent Keep indef. H. v.1 #1 April 19. 1991 – 2010
    Mt. Vernon Inquirer Have 2/2005-9/2007; 4/2008-9/2008;
    2/2010 – 8/2018
    Single Issues: May 2, 1941
    Mt. Vernon Journal (stored in History Room) H. v.1 Aug. 6, 1990 – Dec. 3, 1990
    Mt. Vernon Leader(Single Issues-Incomplete Run) Nov. 18, 1904 -Nov. 2, 1906
    Mt. Vernon News Mfm: Jul. 3, 1896-Dec. 27,1900
    Bound:Jul. 3, 1896 – June 1900
    Single Issues: Jan. 31, 1935-Dec. 18,1936
    Mt. Vernon Post V. 1, 10/2018 – V. 2. 7/2019
    Mt. Vernon Record (Includes Record-Jan. 8, 1897) Bound:Feb. 5, 1897-Dec. 31, 1897;
    Mt. Vernon Rising Have: 10/2018 – 3/2020
    Jan. 7, 1898 – Aug. 26, 1898
    Mt. Vernon Sentinel Bound:H. Jan. 1895 – Aug, 1896
    Mfm: Jan. 16, 1895 – Aug. 22, 1896
    Mt. Vernon Times (stored in History Room) H. v.1 Oct. 26, 1987 – v.4 June 4, 1990
    Mt. Vernon Today H. v.1 Sept. 2010 – v.2, July, 2011
    Multicultural Review H. v.3 March 1994 – v..19, 2010
    Munsey’s Magazine H. April 1897 – May 1914
    Music Educator’s Journal H. Dec. 1975 – v.80 Nov. 1993
    Musical America H. v.107 March 1987 – v.112 Jan./Feb. 1992
    Musical America (incorp. Into High Fidelity & Musical America) H. v.60, 1940 – v. 84, 1993
    Musician H. 1910 – 1941
    Muslim Journal Newspaper Keep latest 6 months
    Nation Keep 3 years
    Nation Have mfm, V. 65, 1865+  – v.289, 2009
    National Education Association Research Bulletin Have V. 9, 1931 – V. 50, 1972
    National Geographic Magazine (title chg’d to National Geographic) H. 1910 – 1959
    National Geographic Keep indef. H. 1960 +
    National Geographic Kids (J) (form. National Geographic World) Keep 1 year,   [FLIPSTER]
    National Geographic Little Kids (J) Keep 1 year,   [FLIPSTER]
    National Newspaper Index H. microfiche only from 1979 – 1990
    National Parent Teacher (title chg’d to PTA Magazine) H. v.43 1949 – v.55 Jan. 1961
    National Parks Keep 5 years
    National Review (magazine) Keep 3 years
    National Review (microfilm) H. v.1, 1955+ – v.61, 2009
    National Theatre Critic’s Reviews (form. N.Y. Theatre Critic’s Rev.)
    [ Shelved in Reference Section ]
    H. v.56 1995 – v.57 1996
    National Wildlife Keep indef. H. 1972 +
    Natural History H. 1926 +
    NEA Journal (title chg’d to Today’s Education) H. mfm only v.1 April 1913 – v.56 1967
    NEA Today (microfilm) H. v.5 1987 – v.15 1997
    NEA Today (magazine) Keep 1 year
    Negro American Literature Forum H. Summer 1969 – 1976
    (title chg’d to Black American Literature Forum Winter 1976)
    Negro Digest (title chg’d to Black World) H. mfm Nov. 1968 – Oct. 1969
    Negro History Bulletin (title chg’d to Black History Bulletin) H. v.21 1958 – v.63,2000
    New African Keep 5 years
    New American Mercury H. Dec. 1950 – Feb. 1951
    New Catholic World (formerly Catholic World) H. mfm v. 214 Oct. 1971 – v.231 1988
    New Crisis (title chg’d to Crisis) H. v.109 2002 – v.110 March/April 2003
    New England Magazine H. Sept. 1889 – Oct. 1915
    New Leader H. Sept. 18, 1972 – April 2006
    New Library Scene (formerly Library Scene) H. v.1 1982 – v.12 , 1993
    New Mobility K. 3 years
    New Perspectives Quarterly (formerly Center Magazine) H. v.4 #4 Winter 1988-v.10 #2 Spring 1993
    New Republic Keep 3 years, Have mfm, v.1 Nov 17,1914 – v.241, Dec.20,2010
    New York Keep 10 years
    New York Alive H. v.2 July/Aug. 1982 – July/Aug. 1991
    New York Amsterdam News Keep 6 months
    New York Archives Keep 5 years H. v.4 Spring 2005 +
    New York Beacon Retains 3 months
    New York Civil Liberties Keep 1 year
    New York Historical Society Quarterly H. v.1 April 1917 – v.64 #1 Jan. 1980
    New York History H. 1935 +
    New York Libraries Oct. 1907-July 1911, Nov. 1915-Aug. 1939
    New York Post Keep 6 months
    New York Review of Books Keep 1 years,
    New York Review of Books(microfilm) H. V. 1, 1963 – V. 61, 2014
    New York State Conservationist(Shelved w/Conservationist) Have 6/1995 – 10/1996
    New York State Department of Labor Employment Review H. v.45 #1 Jan. 1992 – v.56 2003
    New York State Register (State Department)(Workroom) Keep indef. H. microfiche Dec. 1988 +
    New York Teacher (includes UFT Bulletin) Keep 1 year
    New York Theatre Critics Reviews (Shelved in Ref./Law Section) H. v.1 1940 – v.55 1994
    (title chg’d to National Theatre Critics Reviews)
    New York Times (newspaper) Keep 2 months
    New York Times (microfilm) H. Sept. 1851 – 2012
    New York Times Book Review Keep current year
    New York Times Book Review (microfilm) H. v.1, 1963 – 2012
    New York Times Index H. 1851 – 2012
    New York Times Magazine Keep Current year
    New York Times Magazine(microfilm) H. 1896 – 2012
    New Yorker (magazine) Keep 3 years
    New Yorker (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1925 – V. 90, 2/2015
    News For You Keep 3 months
    Newsweek (microfilm) H. v.1 Feb. 1933 + July 13, 2013
    Nineteenth Century H. v.1,3/1877 – v.2, 12/1877, v.21,1887 – v.39,6/1896
    v. 76, Jan., 1910 – June, 1927
    Nineteenth Century & After H. July, 1927-1941; 1943 – 1946
    North American Review H. v. 8 1818 – v.67 1848, v.69 July 1849 –
    (+ Index to v. 1-25) v.73,1851;v.75,July-Dec. 1852;v.78 Jan.-
    April 1854, v.81 July 1855 – v.246 1939,
    v.273 1988 – v.278 March/April 1993
    Nursing (year) H. v.10 April 1980 – v.44, March 2011
    Nursing Research H. v.35 #1 Jan./Feb. 1986 – v.60, Jan. 2011
    Nutrition Action Health Letter H. v.19, 1992 – v.24,1997
    Occupational Outlook Quarterly V. 55, 2011 – V. 57, Spring, 2013
    Occupations H. June 1933 – May 1952
    Of Westchester (title chg’d to Westchester in Feb. 1975) H. v.2 1970 – v.7 Jan. 1975
    Old House Journal Keep indef. H. V.1 #1 Oct. 1973+
    Online Have v.4, 1980 – v.36, 2012
    Online Searcher Keep Indef. H. V.4, 1980+
    Opera News Keep 5 years
    Opus (incorporatedinto Musical America) H. v.2 1986 – v.4 April 1988
    Out Keep 3 years
    Outing H. April 1903 – Sept. 1920
    Outlook (title chg’d to Outlook & Independent) H. v.56 1897 – v.150 1928
    Outlook & Independent H. v.151 1929 – v.160 1932
    Parents(Microfilm) v.1, 10/1926+ – v.84, 2009
    Parents Latina Flipster Only
    Paris Review Keep indef. H. v.24 #85 Fall 1982 – V. 57, 2015
    Partisan Review (magazine) H. v.47 1980 – v.70 Spring 2003
    Partisan Review (microfilm) H. mfm, v.15 1948 – v.46 1979
    Pelham Record(Included w/Bound Record) May 21,1897-Aug. 20,1897
    Pencil Points H. 1931 – 1945
    People (form. People Weekly) Keep 10 years
    People Espanol Flipster Only
    Pets Magazine Flipster Only
    Phi Delta Kappan (magazine) Keep indef. H. Jan. 1980 +
    Phi Delta Kappan (microfilm) H. mfm, Sept. 1970 – June 1980
    Photo-era Magazine H. July 1901 – March 1932
    Phylon H. v.29, 1968 – v.50, 2002
    Piecework Keep 5 years
    Plays (J) Have. v.2, 1942 – v.173, March 2014
    PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association of America) Keep indef. H. V. 79, March, 1964 – v.126, March 2011
    Poet-Lore H. 1914 – 1941
    Poetry Keep indef. H. Oct. 1917 +
    Poets & Writer’s Magazine Keep 2 years
    Political Science Quarterly H. v.23, March 1908 – v.12, May 2010
    Popular Mechanics (magazine) Keep 3 years
    Popular Mechanics (microfilm) H. mfm, v. 48 July 1927 +  – v.86, 2009
    Popular Photography Keep indef. Have 71, 2007 – V. 80, 2016
    Popular Science (microfilm) H. v.1 May 1872 – V.299, 1999
    Practical Homeschooling Keep 5 years
    Prevention Keep 3 years,   [FLIPSTER]
    Previews H. Sept. 1972 – Dec. 1980
    Profitable Hobbies (filed with Workbench mfm) H. mfm only v.1 #1 1946 – v.13 Jan. 1957
    Profitable Hobbies/Workbench (title chg’d to Workbench) H0. v.13 #2 Feb. 1957
    Progressive Keep 3 years
    Progressive Architecture H. v.27 1946 – v.75 Feb. 1994
    Prologue Keep indef. V. 23, Winter, 1993 to V. 49, Summer 2017
    Psychological Abstracts H. v.74 1987 – v.85 Jan. 1998
    Psychology Today (magazine) Keep 3 years
    Psychology Today (microfilm) V. 1, 5/1967 – V. 47, 2014
    PTA Magazine (form. National Parent Teacher) H. v.55 Feb. 1961 – v.69 Nov. 1974
    Public Affairs Information Service (Indexes) H. v.48 1962 – v.76 #9 June 1990
    Public Libraries H. v.20 1980-v.37 1998, v.42 M/J 2003-J/A 2006
    Public Welfare Keep indef., V. 47, 1989 – V. 56, 1997
    QBR-Black Book Review (form. Quarterly Black Review of Books) H. v.3, Sept/Oct., 1995 – v.12 Feb. 2005
    QST Keep 5 years
    Quarterly Black Review of Books H. v.2 April, 1995
    (title chg’d to QBR-Black Book Review with v.2 #5 June 1995)
    Quarterly Bulletin of Westchester County Historical Society H. v.1 1925 – v.23 1947, v.30 1954
    (title chg’d to Westchester County Historical Society in 1948)
    (title chg’d again to Westchester Historical Society)
    Quilting Arts Magazine K. Indef.;Have #42, D/J 2009+
    Ranger Rick (J) Keep 1 year 
    Ranger Rick Jr. (J) Keep 1 year
    Reader’s Digest Keep 15 years
    Reader’s Digest Large Print Edition (shelved in Large Print area) Keep 1 year
    Reading Teacher Keep Indef., H. 1969 +
    Real Simple Keep 5 years
    Record Bound:Jan 4,1893-Dec. 31, 1897
    Recreation H. v.25 April 1931 – v.59 1965
    Redbook (magazine) Keep indef., Have V. 210, 2008 – V. 231, 2018
    Redbook (microfilm) H. v.134 1969 – v.189 1997
    Reference Services Review H. v. 1,1973;v.3,1975-v.5,1997;loose-N/D,1972
    Review of Reviews H. v.1 Jan. 1890 – v.96 July 1937
    Road Bike Action (YA) Keep 1 year
    Rolling Stone Keep 5 years
    Rolling Stone(YA) Keep 1 year
    Rotarian H. 1936 +
    Rotary H. V.48,1936- V.200 Jan-July 2021
    RQ H. v.10 1971 – v.36 Summer 1997
    Runner’s World Keep 3 years
    Russell’s Official Motor Coach Guide (Official Bus Guide) Keep current issue only
    Sage H. v.3 Fall 1986 – v.9 Summer 1995
    Sales & Marketing Management HJ. v.157, 2005 – January 2010 (merged with Sales Force XP in 2010)
    Saturday Evening Post Keep 10 years
    Saturday Review (microfilm) V. 34, 1951 – V. 55, 1972; V. 2, 9/1974 – V. 12, 9/1986
    Saturday Review of Education (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1973 – 5/1973
    Saturday Review of Literature (microfilm) V. 1, 8/1924 – V. 33, 1950
    Saturday Review of the Arts (microfilm) V. 1, 1/1973 – 4/1973
    Saturday Review of the Sciences (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1973 – 5/1973
    Saturday Review of the Society (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1973 – 5/1973
    Saturday Review of the World (microfilm) V. 9/11/1973 – 9/7/1974
    School & Society (title chg’d Intellect in Oct. 1972) H. 1916 – Summer 1972
    School Arts Magazine Keep indef., H. V. 19, 1919 – V. 16, 2016
    School Library Journal Keep 3 years
    School Review (title chg’d to American Jl of Education Nov. 1979) H. v.16 1908 – v.54 Aug. 1979
    Science Magazine (hardcopy) H. v.329, July 2010 – March 2011
    Science Magazine (microfilm) H. v.1 Feb. 1883 – v.328, June 25, 2010
    Science Digest(chg’d to Breakthroughs & Science with v.1,July 1990) mfm v.67, 1970-v.94, 1986; v.1, 4/1988-v.3, 4/5 1990
    Science NEWS (hardcopy) Keep 10 years
    Science NEWS (microfilm) H. V. 97, 1970 – V. 150, 1996
    Scientific American(Hard Copy) Keep 3 years
    Scientific American(microfilm) Have V., 1845+ – v.300, 2009
    Scientific American Monthly (form. Scientific American Suppl.) H. v.1 1920 – v.4 1921
    Scientific American Supplement Have 1900 – 1919
    Scientific Monthly H. 1916 – 1957
    Scott Stamp Monthly Current Year only
    Scribner’s Commentator H. v.7, Nov. 1932 – v.11, Jan. 1942
    Scribner’s Magazine H. v.1, 1887 – v.105, May 1939
    Scribner’s Monthly H. v.1, Nov. 1870 – v.22, Oct. 1881
    Searchlight(Single Issues) Oct. 10, 1911;Oct. 17, 1911
    Sewanee Review Keep indef. Have V. 83, 1975 – V. 121, 2013
    Sew News Keep 5 years
    Sheet Music Magazine v.1, 1977 to v.36, 2012
    Sierra Keep 5 years
    Sight & Sound Keep indef. H. v.7 Jan. 1997 +
    Sightlines H. v.18 1985 – Winter 1993
    Signs Have V. 1, 1975 – V. 36, 2011
    Sky & Telescope Keep 3 years
    SLAM (YA)
    Keep 1 Year
    Smithsonian Keep 2 years
    Social Forces Keep indef. H. v.58.1979 – v.89, 2010
    Social Policy Keep Indef., H. V.8, Winter 1988 – V.52 2022
    Social Sciences Index (replaces Social Science & Humanities Index) H. v.1, June 1974 – v.36., March 2011
    Social Science & Humanities Index H. 1965 – March 1974
    Social Security Bulletin (U.S. Depository) Have V. 16, 1953 – V. 73, January to April, 2013
    Social Work Keep indef. H. v.41 #1, 1996 +
    Society (formerly Transaction) Keep indef. H. v.10 March/April 1973 – v.47, 2010
    Sociology of Education H. v.37 Fall 1963 – v.70 1997
    Sound and Vision Flipster only
    Southern Living Keep 2 years, Have V. 59, 1/24+
    Space World(microfilm) H. Sept. 1960 – 1988
    Special Libraries V., 1933 to V. 87, 1996
    Specialist H. v.4 1981 – v.19 1996
    Spirituality & Health Keep 3 years,
    Sports Illustrated Keep 3 years
    Sports Illustrated(microfilm) V. 1, 8/16/1954 – V. 117, 2012
    Sports Illustrated for Kids (J) Keep 3 years
    Spotlight(chg’d to Westchester Spotlight covering Bronxville etc.) H. v.12 July 1988 – v.24 2000
    St. Nicholas (J) H. v.1 11/1873 – v.66 12/1939, v.70 M/J 1943
    (The)Stars And Stripes(World War I;Kept next to Music file) v. 1, Feb. 8, 1918-v. 2,June 13,1919
    Stone Soup Keep 1 Yr.
    Studies in Short Fiction(microfilm) H. v.1 1963 – v.33 1996
    Studio (formerly London Studio) (title chg’d to Studio International) H. v.117 1939 – v.166 1963
    StudioI International H. V. 167, 1964 – V.201, 1988
    Success Keep 2 years, Have March, 2020+
    Sunset Have V. 30, 1913 – V. 67, 1931
    Sunset (The Magazine of Western Living) H. Nov. 1976 +V. 157, 11/1976 – V. 243, 4/2020
    Supervisory Management (form. Management Solutions) v.5 1950-v.31 5/1986,v.34 1989-v.38 1/1994
    Survey H. v.22, April 1909 – v.80, 1944(v.47 missing)
    Survey Graphic H. v.22, 1933 – v.33, 1944
    Taste of Home Keep 2 years
    Teacher (formerly Grade Teacher)(microfilm) H. mfm only v.90 Sept. 1972 – March 1981
    Teachers College Record H. v.18 1917 – v.112, 2010
    Teaching Exceptional Children Have v.8, 1975 – v46, 2/2014
    Teaching Pre-K-8 H.v.28,1998-v.37,5/2007
    Theatre Arts(microfilm) V. 1, 1916 – V. 68, 1/1964
    Theatre Arts (Magazine) Have V. 30, 1947 – V. 68, 1/1964
    Theatre Arts Monthly(Bound) Have V. 6, 1922 – V. 29, 1945
    This Old House Keep 5 years
    Threads H. #6 Aug./Sept. 1986+
    Time Magazine Keep 3 yrs
    Time Magazine(microfilm) Have v. 1, 1923 – v.184 Jan.2015
    Times (London) Literary Supplement Keep 1 year
    Today’s Education (included in NEA Today as of Sept. 1987) (microfilm) Have 1968 – 1986
    Today’s Health (title chg’d to Family Health) (formerly Hygeia) (microfilm) Have v.39 1961 – v.54 March 1976
    Today’s Homeowner (formerly Home Mechanix) (hard copy) v.93 1997 – v.97 April 2001
    Today’s Homeowner (formerly Home Mechanix) (microflim) v.92 1996 – Jan. 1997
    Town & Country Keep 3 years
    Travel (title chg’d to Travel Holiday) H. v.49 5/1927-v.98 1952, v.145 1976-v.148 10/1977
    Travel Holiday H. v.148, 11/ 1977 – v.186, June 2003
    Treasures Magazine ( formerly Antiques and Collecting Magazine ) (Title changed to Mid Mod Treasures) Have V. 1, July 2011 – V. 9. 2019
    Tribune-Evening Edition(Single Issue) Oct. 10, 1862
    Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter Keep 5 years
    U.S. Catholic Keep 1 year
    Urban League Review H. v.1 1975 – v.16 1993
    US News & World Report (microfilm) Have v.7 1933  – v.147 2010
    US Weekly (magazine) Keep 2 years, Have V. 27, 12/18/23+ On Flipster
    USA Today (magazine) (formerly Intellect) H. v.107 July 1978 – v.125 Oct. 1997
    Value Line (Parts 1 & 3) Keep curent year only
    Vanity Fair(Hard Copy) Keep 5 yrs
    Vanity Fair(Bound) H. v. 2-v. 5;Jun 30, 1860-Jun. 28,1862
    Variety Keep 3 months
    Vernon Finances (title chg’d to Mt. Vernon Finances as of Oct. 1994) H. v.1 #1 April 1994
    Village News Bound: June 27, 1868-Dec. 26, 1868
    Singles: July 4, 1868-Dec. 26, 1868
    Virginia Quarterly Review (VQR) Have v.56, 1980 – v.89, 2013
    Vital Speeches of the Day Keep indef. H. Oct. 8, 1934 +
    Vocational Guidance Quarterly (chg’d to Career Dev. Qtly. 9/1986) H. v.2 1953 – v.34 June 1986
    Vogue (Hard copy) Keep indef. H. v.187 1997 +
    Vogue (microflim) H. V. 1, 12/17/1862 – V. 186, 1996
    Vogue Knitting International Keep indef. H. v.19 Winter 2001 +
    Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) Have V. 31, 2009 – V. 43, April 2020
    Volunteer Fireman Keep current year
    Wall Street Journal Keep 12 months H. mfm 1981 – 1993
    Washington Monthly Keep 2 years
    Week Keep  3 years
    Week Junior Keep 1 years
    Week Junior(YA) Keep 1 years
    Weekly Sentinel Bound:Feb. 20,1869-Sept. 4, 1869(Includes
    Village News:Jan. 2, 1869)
    Weight Self Management Flipster Only
    West Side News(Single Issue) Sept. 1945
    Westchester May 27, 1885;Dec. 15, 1886
    Westchester (form. Of Westchester)(title chg’d to Country Life July 1982) H. Feb. 1975 – June 1982
    Westchester (form. Westchester Spotlight) Keep indef. H. v.26 April 2002 +
    Westchester Business Journal (chg’d to Westchester County Business J’l) H. v.1 Sept. 1967 – v.20 April 1988
    Westchester Commerce (incomplete holdings- no 1993) Keep indef. H. v.1 #1 Sept. 1985 -v.24 Dec.2009
    Westchester County Business Journal Keep indef., Have V. 20, 4/1988+
    Westchester County Democrat(Single Issue) Dec. 10, 1870
    Westchester County Historical Society Journal Have V. 24, 1948 – V. 29, 1953
    Westchester County Press Keep 1 year
    Westchester County Record Feb. 6, 1884 – Dec. 30, 1891
    Westchester County Times Keep 1 year
    Westchester Enviornment Keep indef. H. 1979 +
    Westchester Historian Keep indef. H. 1955 +
    Westchester Illustrated H. May 1977 – March 1983
    Westchester Law Journal Keep 1 year
    Westchester Library Association Bulletin (formerly WLA Bulletin) Have V.6, 1947 – V. 56, Winter, 1998
    Westchester Life V. 5, 1949 – V. 14, 1958
    Westchester Midweek(Single Issue) Apr. 12, 1933
    Westchester Observer (incomplete in both microfilm & magazine) H. June 1948 – Feb. 1986
    Mfm:June,1948-Feb.1986(Incomplete Run)
    Westchester Rising(formerly Mount Vernon Rising) Keep indef. 4/30/2021+
    Westchester Spotlight (title chg to Westchester in 2002) H. v.25 2001 – v.26 March 2001
    Westchester Spotlight (covering Bronxville, Tuckahoe & Mt. Vernon H. v.8 Jan. 1984 – v.12 June 1987
    (title chg’d to Spotlight in July 1988)
    What to Buy for Business (chg’d to Better Buys for Business in1996) H. 1995 – Sept./Oct. 2002
    Who’s Who? What’s What- Mt. Vernon(Single Issues) Oct. 3, 1897 -Jan. 1, 1898
    Bound: Oct. 3, 1897 – Jan. 1, 1898
    Wilson Library Bulletin H. v.2 June 1922 – v.69 June 1995
    Wired Keep 2 years
    WLA Bulletin (form. Westchester Library Association Bulletin) H. 1947 – 1949; 1955 – 1957; 1958 – 1960; 1961 – 1969, v.36 1975 – V. 50, 1989
    WLA Newsletter H. V. 52, 1990 to 1997
    WLW (Women’s Library Workers) Journal H. v.6 Oct./Dec. 1981 – v.16 Winter 1993
    Women’s Day Keep 5 years
    Women’s Health Keep 1 year
    Women’s Home Companion H. 1913 – Jan. 1957
    Women’s Journal H. June 1926 – June 1931
    Women’s Studies Abstracts H. v.1 1972 – v.19 1990
    Woodworker’s Journal Keep 25 years
    Work Force Keep 3 months
    Workbench (magazine) Keep indef. H. V.56 July 1996 – v.65, 2009  (ceased publishing)
    Workbench (microfilm) (includes Profitable Hobbies) H. v.1 Feb. 1946 – v.51 Jan. 1996 (ceased publishing)
    World (title chg’d to Saturday Review/World on Sept. 11, 1973) H. July 1972 – Aug. 28, 1973
    World Issues H. Oct./Nov. 1976 – March 1979
    World o Archie (YA) Keep 1 year, Have March, 2020 +
    World Press Review H. v.27 1980 – v.44 1997
    World’s Work H. May, 1901 – July 1932
    Writer Keep 3 years
    Writer’s Digest Keep 3 years
    WSJ Keep Current Year
    Yale Law Journal Keep indef. H. Nov. 1974 +
    Yale Review H. v.1 10/1911 – v.79 Sum.1990, v.80 #1&2 4/1992 +
    Yankee Keep 3 years
    Yes: Journal of Positive Futures Keep 3 yrs
    Yesteryears H. v.7 1964 – v.41 1998
    Yonkers Historical Bulletin H. v.12 Jan. 1965 – v.27 #1 Fall 1980
    Yorker (title chg’d to Heritage in Sept./Oct. 1984) Keep indef., Have V. 13, 1955 – V. 42, January – June, 1984
    Young Children (J) Keep indef., Have V. 55, 1995 – V. 71, 2016
    Your Genealogy Today Keep 2 years
    Your Dog Keep 1 year, Have V. 26, March, 2020+
    Zootles (J) K. 3 years, Have. V. 12, J/F 2017+
    Zoobooks (J) K. 3 years, Have V. 34, Jan. 2017+   [FLIPSTER]
  • A
    914 Inc. Have V.1, 2010 – V.5,2014; V. 14 2023+
    Additude Keep 3 years
    Adolescence H. v. 30 #117 Spring 1995 – v. 44, 2009
    Ad Astra H. mfm v. 1 1989 – v. 8 1996
    Adult Education Quarterly H.  v.51, Jan.2001- v.61,  Feb.2011
    Advocate Keep 3 years ,     [FLIPSTER]
    Africa Report H. v. 12, 1967 – v. 40, June 1995
    African American Review (form. Black American Forum Review) H. v. 26, 1992 – v. 31, 1997
    African Arts Keep indef., Have V. 1973 – V. 47, 2014
    Afro-Americans in N.Y. Life & History Keep indef. Have V. 1, 1977 – V. 34, 2010
    ALA Bulletin (Amer. Library Assoc.) (title chg’d to American Libraries) H. 1927 – 1969
    Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Keep 3 years
    All Animals Keep 1 year
    All Recipes Magazine On Flipster.
    Keep 2 years,
    Have V. 11, Holiday 2023+
    Allure Magazine Flipster Only
    Alternative Medicine Magazine Flipster Only
    America Keep 3 yrs
    America(Microfilm) Have  V.1, 1909 – V. 207, 2012
    American Artist K. indef. H. 1940 – v.76, 2012
    American City & County (form. American City title chg’d in 9/1975) Keep indef. V. 6, 1912 – V. 135, 2020
    American Enterprise v.1 1990 – v.6 July/Aug. 1995
    American Heritage H. v.1, 1949 – v.62, 2012
    American Historical Review H. v.69, 1964 – v.116, February 2011
    American History(formerly American History Illustrated) K. indef. H. v.29 #2 June 1994 +  [FLIPSTER]
    American History Illustrated
    ( chg’d to American History 6/1994)
    H. 1967 – 1993
    American Homes & Gardens H. Jan. 1909 – 1915
    American Imago H. v.25,1968 – v.67, 2010
    American Journal of Education (formerly School Review) Keep indef. Have V. 88, 11/1979 – V. 124, 2/2018
    American Journal of Orthopsychiatry mfm v. 40 1970 – v.66 1996
    American Journal of Psychiatry (microfilm) Have mfm v.126 7/1969 – v.166, 2009
    American Journal of Public Health Keep indef. H. 1928 – v.104, Jan.2014
    American Journal of Sociology Keep indef. H. 1895 – v.118, 2013
    American Legacy H. v.3 #1 Spring 1997 – Spring, 2010
    American Libraries (form ALA Bulletin) K. indef. H. v.1 1970 – v.29 6/1998,v.31 2000 +
    American Literature H. v. 52 March 1980 – v. 69 1997
    American Magazine H. v.63 Nov. 1906 – v. 162 Aug. 1956
    American Magazine of Art H. in stacks,v. 15,1924 – v. 29,1936
    American Mercury (chg’d to New American Mercury in Dec. 1950) H. v. 1 1924 – v. 116 Spring 1980
    American Psychologist (Hard copy) H. v.52, 1997 – v.66, January 2011
    American Psychologist (microfilm) H. v.25, 1970 – v.51, 1996
    American Record Guide K. indef. H. v.56 1993 +
    American Review of Reviews See Review of Reviews
    American Rifleman Keep 10 years
    American Road Keep 2 years
    American School Board Journal Have V. 191, 2004 – V. 201, January – June 2014
    American Scientist K. indef. H. v.70 #4 July/Aug. 1982 +
    American Visions H. v.1 #1 Jan./Feb. 1986 – 2000
    Americana H. v.1 Mar. 1973-v.20 Jan./Feb. 1993
    Americas K. indef. H 1952 – v.64, Jan-June 2012
    Ancestry Have v.27,2009 to v.28, Mar/Apr. 2010
    Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly(AWI) K. current year only
    Animal Wellness Magazine Flipster Only
    Animation(YA) Keep 1 year
    Antiques (title chg’d to Magazine Antiques) H. 1926, v.62 8/1952 – v.99 1971
    Antiques & Collecting Hobbies (formerly Hobbies until Feb. 1986) mfm v.91 #1 3/1986 – v.98 #7 9/1993
    (title chg’d to Antiques & Collecting Magazine Oct. 1993)
    Antiques & Collecting Magazine( changed to Treasures Magazine) K. indef. H. v.107 2001 – v.116, June 2011 +
    Antiques & Collecting Magazine mfm H. v. 98, Oct.,1993 – Feb., 1997
    Archaeology K. indef. H. v.35 #6 Nov./Dec. 1982 +
    Archie Jumbo Comics(YA) Keep 1 year
    Architectural Digest Keep 10 years
    Architectural Forum H. 1917 – March 1974
    Architectural Record Have v.23, 1908 – v.202, February 2014
    Architecture Plus H. v.2 May,1974-v.2,Dec. 1974
    Art – Archaoelogy v.5 Jan. 1917 – v.34 Dec.1933
    Art in America Keep 10 years
    Art Index H. v. 1, 1929 – v. 79, 4/2008
    Art News Annual See Card Catalog
    Art World (title chg’d to Arts & Decoration) v.9 May 1918 – v.10 April 1919
    Artforum H. v.24, Jan. 1986 – v.52, March 2014
    Artnews Keep 10 years
    Arts & Decoration v.11 May 1919 – v.54 Dec. 1941
    Arts Education Policy Review (form. Design for Arts in Education) H. v.94 #1 S/O 1992 – v.97 #4 M/A 1996
    Ask (J) K. 1 year
    Asia H. v.19 1919 – v.46 1946
    Assasination of President John F. Kennedy(R-973.922) Mfm-documentary of JFK Assasination
    Astronomy Keep 5 years
    Atelier See London Studio
    Atlantic (hard copy) Keep 3 years , [FLIPSTER]
    Atlantic [microfilm] V. 1, 11/1857 – V. 314, 2014
    Atlas World Press Review (title chg’d to World Press Review) H. v.26 1979
    Attention Keep 3 years
    Audio H. v.79,1995 – v.82 March 1998
    Audubon Magazine Have V. 109, 2007 – V. 117, 2015
    Autism Asperger’s Sensory Digest Keep 3 years
    Aviation H. Jan. 1926 – Dec. 1946
    Aviation Week H. v. 1 July, 1947 – v. 70 Dec. 1959
    Aviation Week & Space Technology Keep indef. H. v. 72, 1960+
  • B
    Babybug (J) Keep 1 year[FLIPSTER]
    Barron’s Keep 1 year
    Bead & Button K. Indef.; Have 2010 -2020
    Best of Popular Music (title chg’d to Popular Music in 1979) H. Dec. 1972 – 1978
    Better Homes & Gardens Keep 10 Years
    Better Nutrition Flipster Only
    Billboard Keep 2 years
    Biography Index Keep indef. H.1946 – v.64, 2010
    Biography Today (J) H. v.1  2010 – v.21, 2012
    Black American Literature Forum (Negro American Literature Forum) H. Winter 1976 – Winter 1991
    (title chg’d to African American Review Spring 1992)
    Black Art (chg’d to International Review of African American Art v.6 1984) H. Fall, 1977 – v.5 1983
    Black Beauty & Hair Flipster Only
    Black Collegian Keep indef. H. v.3, Sept./Oct.1972 – v.41, Sep. 2010
    Black Enterprise(Microfilm) V.1 8/1970 – V.45, 1/2015
    Black Film Review H. v.4 1988 – v.7 1991
    Black Girls Magazine Flipster Only
    Black History Bulletin (form. Negro History Bulletin) K. Indef. H. v.65, 2002 – V. 76, 2013
    Black Issues Book Review Ceased Publishing;H. v. 1,1999-v.9, 2007
    Black Living in Westchester H. v.1 Aug. 1982 – v.4 April 1986
    Black Masks Have  v.18,2008 – v.23,2017
    Black Music Research Bulletin ( Formerly Black Music Research Newsl.) H. v.10 Spring 1988 – v.12 Fall 1990
    Black Music Research Newsletter K. Indef., H. v. 4,1980 – v. 9, 1987
    Black Perspective in Music H. v.1 Spring 1973 – v.17 Fall 1989
    Black Scholar K. indef. H. v.28,1998 – v.43, 2013 & H. mfm v.1. 1969 – v.27 1997
    Black World(microfilm) V. 19, 11/1969 – V. 25, 4/1976
    Bon Appetit Flipster Only
    Book Links (J)  Keep 1 year
    Book Review Digest H. v.1, 1905 – v.107 January to September 2012
    Booklists Keep indef. H. Sept. 1932 +
    Bookman H. Feb. 1895 – March 1933
    Bookmarks K. Indef.;H. #38, 1/09+
    Breakthroughs in Health & Science (formerly Science Digest) H. v.1 #1 July 1990-Feb. 1991 on mfm
    Bronx County Historical Society Journal K. indef. Have v.13, Fall 1976 – v.45, 2008
    Bronx Historian Keep indef. H. v.5 #1 Sept./Oct. 1982 – v.26, 2003
    Bronx Westchester Life H. Aug. 1961 – Nov. 1966
    Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists H. mfm only v. 1 1945 – v.52 1996
    Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (J) Keep indef. Have., February 1955 +
    (form. Center for Children’s Books Bulletin)
    Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art H. v. 3, 1908 – v.37, 5/1942
    (title chg’d to Metropolitan Museum of Art)
    Bulletin of the Pan American Union H. v.34, 1912 – v.79, 1945
    Business Periodicals Index H. v.1, 1958 – v.52, 2010
    Business Week(microfilm) 1/13/1975 – 1/6/2013
    BUST Keep 3 years
  • C
    Callaloo K. indef. H. v.12 #1 Winter 1989 -v.33, 2010
    Capital Ideas( formerly State news) Keep 10 years
    Car & Driver Keep 5 years,   [FLIPSTER]
    Career Development Quarterly (form. Vocational Guidance Quarterly) H. v.35 Sept. 1986 – v.42 1994
    Careers & The Disabled Keep 2 years
    Caribbean Writer (shelved in Reference R 809.8) Catalogued
    Catholic World (chg’d to New Catholic World)Mfm only H. v.1, 4/1865 – v.213 9/1971
    Catholic World (chg’d to New Catholic World)Continued: H. v.232, 1989 – v.239 Feb. 1996
    Catnip Keep 1 year
    Center Magazine (title chg’d to New Perspectives Quarterly) H. v.1 #1 Oct./Nov. 1967 – 1987
    Century Magazine H. Nov. 1881 – April 1929
    Chemical & Engineering News H. v.73, 1993 – v.76 March 1998
    Chess Life Keep 5 years,  [FLIPSTER]
    Chess Life kids Flipster Only
    Chief Civil Service Leader Weekly Keep 3 months
    Child Welfare Keep indef., Have V. 90, 2011 – V. 97, 2019
    Christian Century Keep 3 years
    Christian Century (microfilm) Keep Indef. Have V. 17, 1900 – V. 129, 2012
    Christian Science Monitor Keep 1 year H. mfm 1981 – 1992
    Christianity Today Keep 3 years
    Christopher Street H. 1990 – Nov. 1995
    Chronicle 9/1869-8/1898 ;mfm. 8/27/1870-5/1898
    Chronicle of Higher Education Keep 1 year
    Chronicle Record H.9/1898-1901; mfm. 1/1901-7/12/1901
    Citizen’s Outlook(Single Issues) June – Dec., 1936(October, 1936 is missing)
    Civil Liberties Keep 2 years
    Civil Rights Journal (U.S. Depository) H. v. 1, 1995 – v. 6, 2002
    CLA Journal H. v.27 Sept. 1983 – v.41 1998
    Clearing House H. v.10, 9/1935 – v.71 July/Aug. 1998
    Coin World Newspaper Keep 6 months
    College English H. mfm v.1 Oct. 1939 – v.71 JULY 2009
    Color Line(Microfiche) H. v.1 1946 – v.2 1947
    Columbia Law Review Have v. 6, 10/1974 – V. 114, 2014
    Commentary Keep Indef. H. v.21 1956 +
    Commentator Dec. 1946;Jan., 1947;Feb. 1947
    Commonweal(microfilm) V. 1, 11/1924 to V. 139, 2009
    Computers In Libraries Keep 5 years
    Congressional Digest Have v. 2, 10/1922 – V. 94, January to June 2015
    Congressional Record Index (U.S. Depository) Keep Indef.
    Connoisseur(Bound volumes: July 1931-1941) H. v. 113-122, 1944-Feb. 1992(loose copies)
    Conservationist (Title Chg. to NY State Conservationist-6/1995) H. v.42,1988 – May, 1995
    Conservative Digest H. v.1 #1, 1/1975 – v.15 #5- 9/10,1989
    Consumer Reports Keep Indef. H. v.56 1991 +
    Consumer Reports Buying Guide Have 2016-2022
    Consumer Reports on Health Keep 1 year
    Consumers Research Magazine H. v.86, 2003 – v.87, Feb. 2004
    Contemporary Psychology H. v.3, 1958 – v.32 Feb. 1987
    Contract Interiors H. June 1977 – Sept. 1978
    formerly Interiors changed again back to Interiors in 1978)
    Cooks Illustrated Keep 5 years
    Cornell Catwatch Keep one year,,h v.27, 1/2023+
    Cornell Dogwatch Keep one year, h v.27,11/2023+
    Cosmopolitan Keep 3 years
    Cotton Bat Dec. 15, 1876
    County Life H. v.1 July 1982 – v.3 Feb. 1984
    CQ Researcher (form. Editorial Research Reports) Have. v.1  May 10, 1991 – Jan.14, 2011
    CQ Weekly H.  v.68, 2010 – v.70, March 19, 2012
    Crafts n’ Things H. v.20 1995 – v.23 April 1998
    The Craftsman H. April 1908 – Dec. 1916
    Crain’s New York Business Keep 1 year
    Cricket (J) Keep 1 year
    Crisis (formerly New Crisis) Keep 3 years
    Crochet Have V.31,2018-V.36,Summer 2023
    Crochet World Keep 5 years, Have V.46 Autumn 2023+ & Flipster
    CSG Capitol Ideas H. V56,2013-V74 2022
    Cuisine at Home Keep 3 years, Have February, 2020+
    Cumulative Book Index H. 1912 – 1999
    Current Have mfm 1972-1996
    Current Biography Keep indef. H. 1940 +
    Current Book Review Citations H. 1976 – 1980
    Current History H. v.96 1997 + mfm v.1 1914 – v.94, 1995
    Current Index to Journals in Education(CIJE) microfiche in cabinet with Journal News
    Current Opinion H. v. 54, 1913 – v. 77, 1924
  • D
    Daedalus H. v.117, 1988 – v.127 Winter 1998
    Daily Argus (title chg’d to Mount Vernon Argus 6/13/1994) H. mfm. 1892 – June 12,1994
    Daily Eagle(Single Issues) H. Nov. 6,1901;Feb. 13, 1902;Oct. 25,1902
    June 12, 1963;Oct. 30, 1963
    Daily Graphic(Single Issues) March 27, 1897
    Daily News Keep 6 months
    Dance Magazine Keep 5 years
    DAV Magazine Keep 5 years, Have V. 62, 2020+
    Day Care & Early Education
    (title chg’d to Early Childhood Education Journal Fall 1995)
    H. v.18 1991 – v.22 Summer 1995
    Delineator H. v. 3,1909-v. 92, June 1918;v.108,1926-v.29,1936
    Design H. May 1924 – Sept./Oct. 1977
    Design for Arts & Education H. v.79 1977 – v.93 July/Aug. 1992
    (title chg’d to Arts Education Policy Review as of Sept./Oct. 1992)
    Design Quarterly H. 1954 – 1992
    Diabetes Self-Management Keep 4 years,    [FLIPSTER]
    Dial H. 1909-6/1909, 1910-1917, 7/1926-6/1929
    Discover Keep indef. H. v.4 #1 Jan. 1983 +
    Discover(YA) Keep 1 year
    Diversity Employers (formerly Black Collegian) v.42, Winter 2011
    DIVERSITYCOMM Keep 2 year
    Do It Yourself Keep 5 years
    Dogster Keep 1 year
    Down Beat Keep 5 years
    Drama H. Oct. 1924 – June 1931
    Drama Review H. v.20 1976 – v.41 1997
  • E
    Eagle March 24 – 30, 1977
    Eastchester Independent & Westchester Courier Oct. 23 & 30,1874;Jan. 1 & 15, 1875
    Feb. 12 & 18, 1875;April 9, 1875;March 30,1877
    Eastchester Independent (Single Issues) July 4, 1874
    Eastchester News (Single Issues) March 25, 1882
    Ebony(Hardcopy) V. 67, 2012 – V. 72, 2016
    Ebony(microfilm) v.1, 11/1945– V. 68, 10/2013
    Economic Indicators (U.S.Depository) Keep 5 years
    Economist Keep 5 years
    Editorial Research Reports (title chg’d to CQ Researcher 5/10/1991) H. 1937 – 1991
    Education(microfilm) V. 9/1880 – V. 135, Summer, 2015
    Education Digest(Microfilm) v.15, September 1949 – V. 129, January – May 2015
    Education Index H. v.1, 1929 – January to September 2011
    Education Week Keep 1 year
    Educational Review H. June 1901 – May 1928
    Elementary English (title chg’d to Language Arts with v.52 #6 1975) H. mfm v.52 Jan. – May 1975
    Elementary School Journal(microfilm) V. 1, 7/1900 – V. 115, 6/2015
    Elle Magazine Flipster Only
    Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Keep 5 years
    EM: Ebony Man H. v.4 1989 – v.13 Jan. 1998
    Emerge H. v.6 1995 – v.11 June 2000
    Empire State Mason Keep 1 year
    Empire State Report Have V. 8, 5/1982 – V. 39, 2013
    English Journal H. Hardcopy: v.98, 2009 – v.99, 2010;
    H. Microfilm: v.39, 1950  – v.98, July 2009;
    Entrepreneur Keep 5 years
    Environment H. v.12 1970 – v.40 Sept. 1998
    Environmental Action H. v.4 Aug. 1972 – v.27 Summer 1996
    Esquire K. indef. H. v.69 1968 +
    Essay & General Literature Index H. 1900 – 2011
    Essence Keep 3 years, [FLIPSTER]
    Essence(microfilm) V. 3, 5/1972 –V. 43, 4/2013
    Etude H. v.42 1924 – v.75 May/June 1957
    Everybody’s Magazine H. 12 1905 – v.59 1928
    Exceptional Children Keep indef.,  Have V. 41, 1975 – V. 84, 2/2018
    Experience Life K. 5 yrs
    Explicator K. indef. H. v.45 #2 1987 – v.54 #1 1995
  • F
    Facts on File Have. v.1, 1941 – v.70, 2010 / 2 yrs. + curr. yr. @ Ref.Desk
    Family Advocate Keep 10 years
    Family Handyman Keep 10 years
    Family Health (form. Today’s Health) H. mfm. v.8 April 1976 – v.13 June 1981
    Family Relations K. Indef. H. v.54 2004 – v.60 Feb. 2011
    Family Tree Keep 3 years
    Fanfare K. indef. H. v.9 #3 Jan./Feb. 1986 +
    Fast Company Keep 2 years
    Federal Census Population
    (Mfm Cabinets by Children’s Rm)
    #1175, #1176, #1178
    Film Comment Keep indef., Have V. 44, 2008 – V. 56, 1/2020 – 4/2020
    Film Facts H. Feb. 1958 – Dec. 1977
    Film Quarterly H. v.14 1960 – v.51 Winter 1998
    Fleetwood Digest (Single Issues) Nov. 1, 1951;Nov. 8, 1951;Nov. 17, 1951
    Fleetwood News(Includes Single Issues-Incomplete Run) H. 1931 – 1942
    Focus on Healthy Aging Keep 5 years
    Food Network Keep 2 years, Have V. 16, 12/23+
    Forbes Keep 5 years
    Fordham Law Review K. indefinitely, Have V. 44, Oct. 1975 – V. 89, 10/2020
    Foreign Affairs Have V. 5, 1926 – V. 101, January/February 2022
    Foreign Policy K. indef. H. Spring 1981 +
    Foreign Policy Reports H. March 18, 1931 – March 1, 1945
    Fortnightly K. indef., Have 1935 – 1949
    Fortnightly Review H. June 1908-June 1942,Jan.1943-Dec.1946
    Fortune K. 10 yrs. H. v.135 mfm v.1 1930-v.134 1996
    Forum H. March 1886 – June 1939; V. 105, 1945-V.112, 1949
    Free Inquiry Keep 10 years
    Freedomways H. mfm v.1 Spring 1961 – v.25 1985
    The Futurist Have V. 40, 2006 – V. 48, 2014
  • G
    Garden & Home Builder H. Feb.1913-Jan.1916, Aug.1916-Feb.1928
    Garden Gate Keep indef., Have 2022+
    Gay & Lesbian Review Keep 5 years
    Girl’s Life (YA) Keep 1 year
    Glitter Magazine Flipster Only
    Gluten Free & More(formally Simply Gluten Free) Keep 2 years, Have July/August 2022+
    Godey’s Lady Book & Ladies American Magazine H. v. 54, 1857 – v. 80, 1870
    Good Housekeeping(v. 53, Jul-Dec. 1911 is missing) Keep indef. H. 1909 +
    Good Ole Days K. 3 years
    GQ (Gentleman’s Quarterly) Keep 5 years,  [FLIPSTER]
    Grade Teacher (title chg’d Teacher v.90 Sept. 1972) mfm. H. v.51 Sept. 1933 – June 1972
    Granta K. indef. H. #38 Winter 1991 – v.113, Winter 2011
    Graphis H. v.44 1988 – v.48 1992
    Guitar Player Keep 2 years
  • H
    Harper’s Bazaar H. mfm v.1 Nov. 1868 – 1996, Flipster
    Harper’s Magazine H. Hard copy, v. 294, 1997 +
    Harper’s Magazine H. mfm only. v1., 1850 – v. 293, 1996
    Harvard Business Review Have V.44,1966 to V. 92, 2014
    Harvard Educational Review H. v.34, 1964 – v.83, 2013
    Harvard Health Letter Have V. 6, 11/1990 – V. 35, 2009; V. 36/37, 2011; V. 38/39, 2013
    Harvard Law Review H. v.88 #1 Nov. 1974 – H.v123 Jan.-June, 2010
    Harvard Medical School Health Letter (title changed to Harvard Heath Letter with the Nov. 1990 issue) Have V. 7, 1982 – V. 16, Jan – Oct. 1990
    Harvard Men’s Health Watch Keep 5 years, Have V. , 2021+
    Harvard Women’s Health Watch Keep 5 years, Have V. , 2021+, Flipster
    Headline Series H. 1935 – 2011
    Health Magazine (form. Family Health) H. mfm v.13 July 1981 – v.23, Aug. 1991
    Health Magazine Have V. 6, 1992 – V. 36, January – April 2022
    Health Facts Have V.1,1977 – v.34 July 2009
    Heritage Keep indef., V. 1, S/O 1984 – V. 31, 2016
    High Fidelity (Musical American Edition) H. v.30 1980 – v.39 1989
    Highlights for Children (J) Keep 1 year
    Highlights Hello (J) Keep 1 year
    Highlights High Five (J) Keep 1 year
    Hispanic Network Keep 3 years
    History Today Keep 10 years
    Hobbies (title chg’d to Antiques & Collecting Hobbies in March 1986) H. v.43 1939-v.48 1943; mfm v.52, 3/1947-v.90,2/1986
    Holiday (title chg’d to Travel Holiday in Nov. 1977) H. 1950 – Oct. 1977
    Home Education Magazine Keep 5 yrs
    Home Mechanix (form. Mechanix Illustrated,;chg’d to Today’s Homeowner) H. mfm v.81 , 1985 – v.92 ,Aug. 1996
    Horizon H. v.1 1958 – v.32 1989
    Horn Book (J) Keep indef. H. 1930 +
    Horticulture Keep indef. H. 1933 – 1942, 1945 +
    Hot Rod
    Keep indef. H. 1969 +
    Hot Rod (YA)
    Keep 1 year
    House & Garden H. v.33 Jan. 1918 – v.164 July 1993
    House & Home (title chg’d to Housing in 1978) H. V. 1, 7/1952 – V. 51, 1977
    House Beautiful Keep indef. H. Dec. 1910 +
    Housing (formerly House & Home) H. v.53 Jan. 1978 – v.61 Oct. 1982
    Hudson Review H. v.42, 1990 – v.45, Winter, 1993
    Hudson Valley Keep 5 years
    Humanist Keep 1 year
    Hygeia v.6 1928-v.24 1946; v. 25,1947; v.28 ,2/1950
  • I
    Ideals H. 1970 – May 2006
    Illustoria(YA) Keep 1 year
    Inc. Keep 10 years
    Independent H. 7/1898 – 12/1898; 1900 – 1921
    Independent 1/1922 -7/1922; 1/1923 – 6/1923; 1/1924 – 10/1928
    Industrial & Labor Relations Review H. v.3, 1950 – v.46, Jan. 1993
    Information Today Keep 1 year
    Instructor (microfilm)(chg’d to Instructor & Teacher v.90 May 1981) V. 5, 11/1895 – V. 90, 1981; V. 96, 1987 – V. 122, Summer, 2013
    Instructor & Teacher (title chg’d to Instructor again with v.96 1/87) H. mfm v.90 May 1981 – v.96 Dec. 1989
    Intellect (title chg’d to USA Today) H. Oct. 1972 – June 1978
    Interiors (title chg’d to Contract Interiors June 1977) H. v.138 #3 Oct. 1978 – v.152 March 1993
    International Fiction Review H. v.10 1983 – v.19 1992
    International Financial Statistics H. v.36 #12 Dec. 1983 – v.51 March 1992
    The International Review of African American Art H. v.1 1984 – v.23, 2010
    International Studio H. March 1902 – Aug. 1931
    Internet Genealogy Keep 2 yrs. H. 2021-2022
    Interweave Crochet Have V. 3, 2009 – V. 15, 2021
    Iphone Life Keep 2 yrs. H. 2021-2022, Flipster

  • J
    Jazz Times Keep 5 years, Flipster
    J. D. Power Official Older Used Car Guide (formerly NADA Official Older Used Car Guide) Keep 5 years
    J. D. Power Official Used Car Guide (formerly NADA Used Car Guide) Keep 5 years
    Jet Magazine H. v.43, 1973   – v.123, Jan-June.2014
    JOC Week (title chg’d to Journal of Commerce) H. v.1 June 5, 2000 – v.3 oct. 7, 2002
    JOPERD (Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance) Keep 10 years
    Journal News (title chg’d from Mt.Vernon Argus10/1/98) H. mfm v.1 Oct. 1998 +
    Journal of Adult Education H. 1934 – 1941
    Journal of African American History (formerly Journal of Negro Education ) Keep indef. H. v.87, 2002; v.89,2004+
    Journal of African American Studies H. v.8, 2004 – v.14, 2010
    Journal of African History(Microfilm) H.  v.1, 1960 – v. 37, 1996
    Journal of African Studies H. v.1 1974 – v.15 1988
    Journal of Applied Psychology H. v.72 1987 – v.82 1997
    Journal of Black Psychology H. v.6 #1 August 1979 – v.37, February 2011
    Journal of Black Studies(Microfilm) H. v.1, Sept. 1970 – v.27, July 1997
    Journal of Black Studies(Hardcopy) H. v.28, Sept. 1997 – Nov. 1997
    Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Keep indef. H. #10 Winter 1995/1996 -2010
    Journal of Business H. v. 76, 2003 – v. 79, 2006
    Journal of Counseling & Development (formerly Personnel & Guidance Journal ) H. v.63 Sept. 1984 – v.91, April 2013
    Journal of Education Keep 10 years
    Journal of Education for Librianship H. v.1 1960 – v.24 Spring 1984
    (chg’d to J’l of Ed. for Library & Info. Sciences v.86 #2 Summer 1984)
    Journal of Education for Library & Information Science H. v.25 1984 – v. 29 #3 Winter 1989
    Journal of Educational Psychology H. v.51,1960 – v.102, 2010
    Journal of Educational Sociology H. 1934 – 1941
    Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences (formerly Journal of Home Economics until Summer 1994) Keep indef.
    H. v.86, Fall 1994 – v.103, Summer 2011
    Journal of Home Economics (changed to Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences as of Fall 1994) H. v.8, 1916 – v.86, Summer 1994
    Journal of Learning Disabilities H. v.7, Dec. 1974 – v.47, Jan./Feb. 2014
    Journal of Library Administration Keep indef. Have V. 2, 1981 – V. 15, 1991
    Journal of Marriage & the Family H. v.36, 1974 -v.73, January 2011
    Journal of Modern History H. v.59 March 1979 – v.68 1996
    Journal of Negro Education H. 1962 +
    Journal of Negro History (chg’d to Jl of African-American History) H. v.1 1916 – v.85 2000
    Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance See JOPERD
    Journal of Political Economy H. v.24 1926 – v.100 1992
    Journal of Social Issues H. mfm v.26 1970-v.52 1996
    H. V. 65, 2009
    Journal of the American Society for Information(JASIS) H. v.45 Dec.1994 – v.49 1998
    Journal of Women’s History H. v.17 Spring 2005 – v..25, 2013
    Judaism H. 1954 – 1969
  • K
    Kenyon Review (microfilm) v.1 1939-v.32 1970, v.1 1979-v.18 1996
    Keramic Studio H. May 1907 – April 1924
    Kiplinger’s Personal Finance (form.Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Mag Keep 10 years
  • L
    Ladies Home Journal H. v.16, 1899 – v.130, Jan.-June  2014
    Ladybug Flipster Only
    Landscape Architecture H. v.17 1927 – v.87 1995
    Language Arts (magazine) Keep indef. H. v.74 1997+
    Language Arts (microfilm) H. v.52 1975 – v.73 1996
    Latina Style Keep 2 years
    Libraries H. 1927 – 1931
    Library & Information Science Research H. v.12 1990 – v.19 1997
    Library Currents H. 1985 – Feb. 1993
    Library Journal Keep 3 years
    Library Journal(microfilm) V. 85, 1960 – V. 140, 2015
    Library Journal (Bound issues) V. 45, 1920 – V. 84, 1959
    Library Literature & Information Science (Indexes) H. 1999 – June 2011
    Library Literature (title chg’d as of August 1999)(Indexes) H. 1921 – July 1999
    Library of Congress Magazine, U.S.Depository Keep 5 years
    Library Quarterly H. v.1 1931 – v.68 Jan. 1998
    Library Trends Keep indef. H. v.1, July 1952 – v.58, 2010
    Life (bound volumes) v.32 7/1898 – v.95 6/1930, v.1 11/1936 – v.7 1939
    Life (magazine) v.8 1940 – v.73 1972, v.1 Oct. 1978 – v.23 April 2000
    Life (microfilm) v.1 1936 – v.73 1972, v.1 1978 – v.19 1996
    Lincoln Review H. v.1 1979 – v.11 1995
    Literary Digest H. 1912 – 1937
    Literary Today Keep current year
    Littel’s Living Age (title chg’d to Living Age) H. v.1 May 1844 – v293, 1917
    Living Age H. v.294, July 1917 – v.360 1941
    London Studio (title chg’d to Studio) H. v.2 July 1931 – v.16 1938
    Look(Microfilm) Feb. 1937 – Oct. 1971
    Louisiana Cookin’ Magazine Keep 2 years, Have V. 26, 11/23+
  • M
    Mad Magazine Keep 1 year
    Magazine Antiques (title chg’d to Antiques) H. v.13 1928 – v.62 July 1952
    Magazine of Art (London Edition) H. v.1 1878 – v.28 1904
    Magazine of Art (Washington Edition) H. v.30 1937 – v.46 May 1953
    Make Have #49, 2016+
    Management Solutions (chg’d to Supervisory Management Jan.1989) v.31 #6 June 1986 – v.33 #12 Dec. 1988
    Martha Stewart Living Have 2012 –January to May 2022
    Massage Have #237, 2016+
    Masters In Art H. v.1 1900 – v.9 1908
    Mayo Clinic Healthletter Keep indef. H. v.20 Jan. 2002 +
    McCall’s Needlework H. v.32 1987 – v.43 1997
    McClure’s Magazine H. June – Nov. 1893, 1894 – 1918
    Mechanix Illustrated (title chg’d to Home Mechanix Jan. 1985) H. mfm v.42 Nov. 1949 – v.80 1984
    Men’s Health Keep 3 years
    Men’s Journal Keep 2 years, Have V. 29,  2021 & 2022,   [FLIPSTER]
    Mental Hygiene(Includes MH v. 57, 1972 – v. 61, 1977) H. 1931 – Fall 1977
    Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin H. v.1 1942 +
    Mid Mod Treasures (formerly Treasures Keep indef., Have V. 9-11, 2020-2022
    Military History Keep indef., Have V. 3, 2019 +
    Missionary Review of the World H. 1900 – 1939
    Moment Keep 5 years
    Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Pubications H. 1925 – 1995;2000 – 2004;Irregular Run
    Monthly Labor Review (U.S. Depository) H. v.34, 1932 – v.130, 2007
    Mother Earth News Keep 5 years
    Mother Jones Keep indef. H. v.6 #8 Sept./Oct. 1981 +
    Motor Trend Keep 5 years
    Mountain Bike Action (Formerly Road Bike Action)(YA) Keep 1 year Have V. 38, 8/2023+
    Ms. H. v.1,6/1972-v.18,11/1989, v.2,7/1991 +
    Mt. Vernon Argus (title chg’d to The Journal News) H. mfm June 13, 1994 – Oct. 11, 1998
    Mt. Vernon Bulletin Bound: Jul.25-Dec.1891;
    Single Issues: Aug. 1, 1891& Dec. 26, 1891
    Mt. Vernon Centennial Bound: Sept. 21, 1953-Nov. 10, 1953
    Mt. Vernon Finances (formerly Vernon Finances) Keep indef. H. v.1  April 1994 +
    Mt. Vernon Forum(Single Issues) Sept. 16, 1971-Dec. 23, 1971;
    Jan. 6, 1972 – Aug. 14, 1972
    Mt. Vernon Independent Keep indef. H. v.1 #1 April 19. 1991 – 2010
    Mt. Vernon Inquirer Have 2/2005-9/2007; 4/2008-9/2008;
    2/2010 – 8/2018
    Single Issues: May 2, 1941
    Mt. Vernon Journal (stored in History Room) H. v.1 Aug. 6, 1990 – Dec. 3, 1990
    Mt. Vernon Leader(Single Issues-Incomplete Run) Nov. 18, 1904 -Nov. 2, 1906
    Mt. Vernon News Mfm:Jul. 3, 1896-Dec. 27,1900
    Bound:Jul. 3, 1896 – June 1900
    Single Issues: Jan. 31, 1935-Dec. 18,1936
    Mt. Vernon Post V. 1, 10/2018 – V. 2. 7/2019
    Mt. Vernon Record(Includes Record-Jan. 8, 1897) Bound:Feb. 5, 1897-Dec. 31, 1897;
    Jan. 7, 1898 – Aug. 26, 1898
    Mt. Vernon Rising Have: 10/2018 – 3/2020
    Mt. Vernon Sentinel Bound:H. Jan. 1895 – Aug, 1896
    Mfm: Jan. 16, 1895 – Aug. 22, 1896
    Mt. Vernon Times (stored in History Room) H. v.1 Oct. 26, 1987 – v.4 June 4, 1990
    Mt. Vernon Today H. v.1 Sept. 2010 – v.2, July, 2011
    Multicultural Review H. v.3 March 1994 – v..19, 2010
    Munsey’s Magazine H. April 1897 – May 1914
    Music Educator’s Journal H. Dec. 1975 – v.80 Nov. 1993
    Musical America H. v.107 March 1987 – v.112 Jan./Feb. 1992
    Musical America (incorp. Into High Fidelity & Musical America) H. v.60, 1940 – v. 84, 1993
    Musician H. 1910 – 1941
    Muslim Journal Newspaper Keep latest 6 months
  • N

    tr>New York Times Book Review(microfilm)( See NY Times Newspaper)Have V. 1, 1963 -2012

    Nation Keep 3 years
    Nation Have mfm, V. 65, 1865+  – v.289, 2009
    National Education Association Research Bulletin Have V. 9, 1931 – V. 50, 1972
    National Geographic Magazine (title chg’d to National Geographic) H. 1910 – 1959
    National Geographic Keep indef. H. 1960 +
    National Geographic Kids (J) (form. National Geographic World) Keep 1 year,  [FLIPSTER]
    National Geographic Little Kids (J) Keep 1 year,  [FLIPSTER]
    National Newspaper Index H. microfiche only from 1979 – 1990
    National Parent Teacher (title chg’d to PTA Magazine) H. v.43 1949 – v.55 Jan. 1961
    National Parks Keep 5 years
    National Review (magazine) Keep 3 years
    National Review (microfilm) H. v.1, 1955+ – v.61, 2009
    National Theatre Critic’s Reviews (form. N.Y. Theatre Critic’s Rev.)
    [ Shelved in Reference Section ]
    H. v.56 1995 – v.57 1996
    National Wildlife Keep indef. H. 1972 +
    Natural History H. 1926 +
    NEA Journal (title chg’d to Today’s Education) H. mfm only v.1 April 1913 – v.56 1967
    NEA Today (microfilm) H. v.5 1987 – v.15 1997
    NEA Today (magazine) Keep 1 year
    Negro American Literature Forum H. Summer 1969 – 1976
    (title chg’d to Black American Literature Forum Winter 1976)
    Negro Digest (title chg’d to Black World) H. mfm Nov. 1968 – Oct. 1969
    Negro History Bulletin (title chg’d to Black History Bulletin) H. v.21 1958 – v.63,2000
    New African Keep 5 years
    New American Mercury H. Dec. 1950 – Feb. 1951
    New Catholic World (formerly Catholic World) H. mfm v. 214 Oct. 1971 – v.231 1988
    New Crisis (title chg’d to Crisis) H. v.109 2002 – v.110 March/April 2003
    New England Magazine H. Sept. 1889 – Oct. 1915
    New Leader H. Sept. 18, 1972 – April 2006
    New Library Scene (formerly Library Scene) H. v.1 1982 – v.12 , 1993
    New Mobility K. 3 years
    New Perspectives Quarterly (formerly Center Magazine) H. v.4 #4 Winter 1988-v.10 #2 Spring 1993
    New Republic Keep 3 years, Have mfm, v.1 Nov 17,1914 – v.241, Dec.20,2010
    New York Keep 10 years
    New York Alive H. v.2 July/Aug. 1982 – July/Aug. 1991
    New York Amsterdam News Keep 6 months
    New York Archives Keep 5 years H. v.4 Spring 2005 +
    New York Civil Liberties Keep 1 year
    New York Beacon Retains 3 months
    New York Historical Society Quarterly H. v.1 April 1917 – v.64 #1 Jan. 1980
    New York History H. 1935 +
    New York Libraries Oct. 1907-July 1911, Nov. 1915-Aug. 1939
    New York Post Keep 6 months
    New York Review of Books Keep 1 years,
    New York Review of Books(microfilm) H. V. 1, 1963 – V. 61, 2014
    New York State Conservationist(Shelved w/Conservationist) Have 6/1995 – 10/1996
    New York State Department of Labor Employment Review H. v.45 #1 Jan. 1992 – v.56 2003
    New York State Register (State Department)(Workroom) Keep indef. H. microfiche Dec. 1988 +
    New York Teacher (includes UFT Bulletin) Keep 1 year
    New York Theatre Critics Reviews (Shelved in Ref./Law Section) H. v.1 1940 – v.55 1994
    (title chg’d to National Theatre Critics Reviews)
    New York Times (newspaper) Keep 2 months
    New York Times (microfilm) H. Sept. 1851 – 2012
    New York Times Book Review Keep 1 year
    New York Times Book Review (microfilm) H. v.1, 1963- 2012
    New York Times Index H. 1851 – 2012
    New York Times Magazine Keep Current year
    New York Times Magazine(microfilm) H. 1851 – 2012
    New Yorker (magazine) Keep 3 years
    New Yorker (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1925 – V. 90, 2/2015
    News For You Keep 3 months
    Newsweek (microfilm) H. v.1 Feb. 1933 + July 13, 2013
    Nineteenth Century H. v.1,3/1877 – v.2, 12/1877, v.21,1887 – v.39,6/1896
    v. 76, Jan., 1910 – June, 1927
    Nineteenth Century & After H. July, 1927-1941; 1943 – 1946
    North American Review H. v. 8 1818 – v.67 1848, v.69 July 1849 –
    (+ Index to v. 1-25) v.73,1851;v.75,July-Dec. 1852;v.78 Jan.-
    April 1854, v.81 July 1855 – v.246 1939,
    v.273 1988 – v.278 March/April 1993
    Nursing (year) H. v.10 April 1980 – v.44, March 2011
    Nursing Research H. v.35 #1 Jan./Feb. 1986 – v.60, Jan. 2011
    Nutrition Action Health Letter H. v.19, 1992 – v.24,1997
  • O
    Occupational Outlook Quarterly V. 55, 2011 – V. 57, Spring, 2013
    Occupations H. June 1933 – May 1952
    Of Westchester (title chg’d to Westchester in Feb. 1975) H. v.2 1970 – v.7 Jan. 1975
    Old House Journal Keep indef. H. V.1 #1 Oct. 1973+
    Online Have v.4, 1980 – v.36, 2012
    Online Searcher Keep Indef. H. V.4, 1980+
    Opera News Keep 5 years
    Opus (incorporatedinto Musical America) H. v.2 1986 – v.4 April 1988
    Out Keep 3 years
    Outing H. April 1903 – Sept. 1920
    Outlook (title chg’d to Outlook & Independent) H. v.56 1897 – v.150 1928
    Outlook & Independent H. v.151 1929 – v.160 1932
  • P
    Parents(Microfilm) v.1, 10/1926+ – v.84, 2009
    Parents Latina Flipster Only
    Paris Review Keep indef. H. v.24 #85 Fall 1982 – V. 57, 2015
    Partisan Review (magazine) H. v.47 1980 – v.70 Spring 2003
    Partisan Review (microfilm) H. mfm, v.15 1948 – v.46 1979
    Pelham Record(Included w/Bound Record) May 21,1897-Aug. 20,1897
    Pencil Points H. 1931 – 1945
    People (form. People Weekly) Keep 10 years
    People Espanol Flipster Only
    Pets Magazine Flipster Only
    Phi Delta Kappan (magazine) Keep indef. H. Jan. 1980 +
    Phi Delta Kappan (microfilm) H. mfm, Sept. 1970 – June 1980
    Photo-era Magazine H. July 1901 – March 1932
    Phylon H. v.29, 1968 – v.50, 2002
    Piecework Keep 5 years
    Plays (J) Have. v.2, 1942 – v.173, January-March 2014
    PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association of America) Keep indef. H. V. 79, March, 1964 – v.126, March 2011
    Poet-Lore H. 1914 – 1941
    Poetry Keep indef. H. Oct. 1917 +
    Poets & Writer’s Magazine Keep 2 years
    Political Science Quarterly H. v.23, March 1908 – v.12, May 2010
    Popular Mechanics (magazine) Keep 3 years
    Popular Mechanics (microfilm) H. mfm, v. 48 July 1927 +  – v.86, 2009
    Popular Photography (magazine) Keep indef. Have 71, 2007 – V. 80, 2016
    Popular Science (microfilm) H. v.1 May 1872 – V.299, 1999
    Practical Homeschooling Keep 5 years
    Prevention Keep 3 years,   [FLIPSTER]
    Previews H. Sept. 1972 – Dec. 1980
    Profitable Hobbies (filed with Workbench mfm) H. mfm only v.1 #1 1946 – v.13 Jan. 1957
    Profitable Hobbies/Workbench (title chg’d to Workbench) H0. v.13 #2 Feb. 1957
    Progressive Keep 3 years
    Progressive Architecture H. v.27 1946 – v.75 Feb. 1994
    Prologue Keep indef. V. 23, Winter, 1993 to V. 49, Summer 2017
    Psychological Abstracts H. v.74 1987 – v.85 Jan. 1998
    Psychology Today (magazine) Keep 3 years
    Psychology Today (microfilm) V. 1, 5/1967 – V. 47, 2014
    PTA Magazine (form. National Parent Teacher) H. v.55 Feb. 1961 – v.69 Nov. 1974
    Public Affairs Information Service (Indexes) H. v.48 1962 – v.76 #9 June 1990
    Public Libraries H. v.20 1980-v.37 1998, v.42 M/J 2003-J/A 2006
    Public Welfare Keep indef., V. 47, 1989 – V. 56, 1997
  • Q
    QBR-Black Book Review (form. Quarterly Black Review of Books) H. v.3, Sept/Oct., 1995 – v.12 Feb. 2005
    QST Keep 5 years
    Quarterly Black Review of Books H. v.2 April, 1995
    (title chg’d to QBR-Black Book Review with v.2 #5 June 1995)
    Quarterly Bulletin of Westchester County Historical Society H. v.1 1925 – v.23 1947, v.30 1954
    (title chg’d to Westchester County Historical Society in 1948)
    (title chg’d again to Westchester Historical Society)
    Quilting Arts Magazine K. Indef.;Have #42, D/J 2009+
  • R
    Ranger Rick (J) Keep 1 year 
    Ranger Rick Jr. (J) Keep 1 year
    Reader’s Digest Keep 15 years
    Reader’s Digest Large Print Edition (shelved in Large Print area) Keep 1 year
    Reading Teacher Keep Indef., H. 1969 +
    Real Simple Keep 5 years
    Record Bound:Jan 4,1893-Dec. 31, 1897
    Recreation H. v.25 April 1931 – v.59 1965
    Redbook (magazine) Keep indef., Have V. 210, 2008 – V. 231, 2018
    Redbook (microfilm) H. v.134 1969 – v.189 1997
    Reference Services Review H. v. 1,1973;v.3,1975-v.5,1997;loose-N/D,1972
    Review of Reviews H. v.1 Jan. 1890 – v.96 July 1937
    Rolling Stone Keep 5 years
    Rolling Stone(YA) Keep 1 year
    Rotarian H. 1936 +
    Rotary H. V.48,1936- V.200 Jan-July 2021
    RQ H. v.10 1971 – v.36 Summer 1997
    Runner’s World Keep 3 years
    Russell’s Official Motor Coach Guide (Official Bus Guide) Keep current issue only
  • S
    Sage H. v.3 Fall 1986 – v.9 Summer 1995
    Sales & Marketing Management HJ. v.157, 2005 – January 2010 (merged with Sales Force XP in 2010)
    Saturday Evening Post Keep 10 years
    Saturday Review (microfilm) V. 34, 1951 – V. 55, 1972; V. 2, 9/1974 – V. 12, 9/1986
    Saturday Review of Education (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1973 – 5/1973
    Saturday Review of Literature (microfilm) V. 1, 8/1924 – V. 33, 1950
    Saturday Review of the Arts (microfilm) V. 1, 1/1973 – 4/1973
    Saturday Review of the Sciences (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1973 – 5/1973
    Saturday Review of the Society (microfilm) V. 1, 2/1973 – 5/1973
    Saturday Review of the World (microfilm) V. 9/11/1973 – 9/7/1974
    School & Society (title chg’d Intellect in Oct. 1972) H. 1916 – Summer 1972
    School Arts Magazine Keep indef., Have V. 19, 1919 – V. 16, 2016
    School Library Journal Keep 3 years
    School Review (title chg’d to American Jl of Education Nov. 1979) H. v.16 1908 – v.54 Aug. 1979
    Science Magazine (hardcopy) H. v.329, July 2010 – March 2011
    Science Magazine (microfilm) H. v.1 Feb. 1883 – v.328, June 25, 2010
    Science Digest(chg’d to Breakthroughs & Science with v.1,July 1990) mfm v.67, 1970-v.94, 1986; v.1, 4/1988-v.3, 4/5 1990
    Science NEWS (hardcopy) Keep 10 years
    Science NEWS (microfilm) H. V. 97, 1970 – V. 150, 1996
    Scientific American(Hard Copy) Keep 3 years
    Scientific American(microfilm) Have V., 1845+ – v.300, 2009
    Scientific American Monthly (form. Scientific American Suppl.) H. v.1 1920 – v.4 1921
    Scientific American Supplement Have 1900 – 1919
    Scientific Monthly H. 1916 – 1957
    Scott Stamp Monthly Current Year only
    Scribner’s Commentator H. v.7, Nov. 1932 – v.11, Jan. 1942
    Scribner’s Magazine H. v.1, 1887 – v.105, May 1939
    Scribner’s Monthly H. v.1, Nov. 1870 – v.22, Oct. 1881
    Searchlight(Single Issues) Oct. 10, 1911;Oct. 17, 1911
    Sewanee Review Keep indef. Have V. 83, 1975 – V. 121, 2013
    Sew News Keep 5 years
    Sheet Music Magazine v.1, 1977 to v.36, 2012
    Sierra Keep 5 years
    Sight & Sound Keep indef. H. v.7 Jan. 1997 +
    Sightlines H. v.18 1985 – Winter 1993
    Signs Have V. 1, 1975 – V. 36, 2011
    Sky & Telescope Keep 3 years
    SLAM Keep 1 Year
    Smithsonian Keep 2 years
    Social Forces Keep indef. H. v.58.1979 – v.89, 2010
    Social Policy Keep Indef., H. V.8, Winter 1988 – V.52 2022
    Social Sciences Index (replaces Social Science & Hummanities Index) H. v.1, June 1974 – v.36., March 2011
    Social Science & Humanities Index H. 1965 – March 1974
    Social Security Bulletin (U.S. Depository) Have V. 16, 1953 – V. 73, January to April, 2013
    Social Work Keep indef. H. v.41 #1, 1996 +
    Society (formerly Transaction) Keep indef. H. v.10 March/April 1973 – v.47, 2010
    Sociology of Education H. v.37 Fall 1963 – v.70 1997
    Sound and Vision Flipster only
    Southern Living Keep 2 years, Have V. 59, 1/24+
    Space World(microfilm) H. Sept. 1960 – 1988
    Special Libraries V., 1933 to V. 87, 1996
    Specialist H. v.4 1981 – v.19 1996
    Spirituality & Health Keep 3 years,
    Sports Illustrated Keep 3 years
    Sports Illustrated(microfilm) V. 1, 8/16/1954 – V. 117, 2012
    Sports Illustrated for Kids (J) Keep 3 years
    Spotlight(chg’d to Westchester Spotlight covering Bronxville etc.) H. v.12 July 1988 – v.24 2000
    St. Nicholas (J) H. v.1 11/1873 – v.66 12/1939, v.70 M/J 1943
    (The)Stars And Stripes(World War I;Kept next to Music file) v. 1, Feb. 8, 1918-v. 2,June 13,1919
    Stone Soup Keep 1 Yr.
    Studies in Short Fiction(microfilm) H. v.1 1963 – v.33 1996
    Studio (formerly London Studio) (title chg’d to Studio International) H. v.117 1939 – v.166 1963
    Studio International H. V. 167, 1964 – V.201, 1988
    Success Keep 2 years, Have March, 2020+
    Sunset(Bound) Have V. 30, 1913 – V. 67, 1931
    Sunset (The Magazine of Western Living) Have V. 157, 11/1976 – V. 243, 4/2020
    Supervisory Management (form. Management Solutions) v.5 1950-v.31 5/1986,v.34 1989-v.38 1/1994
    Survey H. v.22, April 1909 – v.80, 1944(v.47 missing)
    Survey Graphic H. v.22, 1933 – v.33, 1944
  • T
    Taste of Home Keep 2 years
    Teacher (formerly Grade Teacher)(microfilm) Have v.90 Sept. 1972 – March 1981
    Teachers College Record H. v.18 1917 – v.112, 2010
    Teaching Exceptional Children Have v.8, 1975 – v46, 2/2014
    Teaching Pre-K-8 Have v.28,1998 – v.37,5/2007
    Theatre Arts(microfilm) V. 1, 1916 – V. 68, 1/1964
    Theatre Arts (Magazine) Have V. 30, 1947 – V. 68, 1/1964
    Theatre Arts Monthly(Bound) Have V. 6, 1922 – V. 29, 1945
    This Old House Keep 5 years
    Threads H. #6 Aug./Sept. 1986+
    Time Magazine Keep 3 yrs
    Time Magazine(microfilm) Have v. 1, 1923 – v.184 Jan.2015
    Times (London) Literary Supplement Keep 1 year
    Today’s Education (included in NEA Today as of Sept. 1987) (microfilm) Have 1968 – 1986
    Today’s Health (title chg’d to Family Health) (formerly Hygeia)(microfilm) Have v.39 1961 – v.54 March 1976
    Today’s Homeowner (formerly Home Mechanix) (hard copy) v.93 1997 – v.97 April 2001
    Today’s Homeowner (formerly Home Mechanix) (microflim) v.92 1996 – Jan. 1997
    Town & Country Keep 3 years
    Travel (title chg’d to Travel Holiday) H. v.49 5/1927-v.98 1952, v.145 1976-v.148 10/1977
    Travel Holiday H. v.148, 11/ 1977 – v.186, June 2003
    Treasures Magazine ( formerly Antiques and Collecting Magazine)(Title changed to Mid Mod Treasures) Have V. 1, July 2011 – V. 9. 2019
    Tribune-Evening Edition(Single Issue) Oct. 10, 1862
    Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter Keep 5 years
  • U
    U.S. Catholic Keep 1 year
    Urban League Review H. v.1 1975 – v.16 1993
    US News & World Report(microfilm) Have v.7 1933  – v.147 2010
    US Weekly (magazine) Keep 2 years, Have V. 27, 12/18/23+
    On Flipster
    USA Today (magazine) (formerly Intellect) H. v.107 July 1978 – v.125 Oct. 1997
  • V
    Value Line (Parts 1 & 3) Keep curent year only
    Vanity Fair(Hard Copy) Keep 5 yrs
    Vanity Fair(Bound) H. v. 2-v. 5;Jun 30, 1860-Jun. 28,1862
    Variety Keep 3 months
    Vernon Finances (title chg’d to Mt. Vernon Finances as of Oct. 1994) H. v.1 #1 April 1994
    Village News Bound:June 27, 1868-Dec. 26, 1868
    Singles:July 4, 1868-Dec. 26, 1868
    Virginia Quarterly Review (VQR) Have v.56, 1980 – v.89, 2013
    Vital Speeches of the Day Keep indef. H. Oct. 8, 1934 +
    Vocational Guidance Quarterly (chg’d to Career Dev. Qtly. 9/1986) H. v.2 1953 – v.34 June 1986
    Vogue (Hard copy) Keep indef. H. v.187 1997 +
    Vogue (microflim) H. V. 1, 12/17/1862 – V. 186, 1996
    Vogue Knitting International Keep indef. H. v.19 Winter 2001 +
    Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) Have V. 31, 2009 – V. 43, April 2020
    Volunteer Fireman Keep current year
  • W
    Wall Street Journal Keep 12 months H. mfm 1981 – 1993
    Washington Monthly Keep 2 years
    Week Keep 3 years
    Week Junior Keep 1 year
    Week Junior(YA) Keep 1 year
    Weekly Sentinel Bound:Feb. 20,1869-Sept. 4, 1869(Includes
    Village News:Jan. 2, 1869)
    Weight Self Management Flipster Only
    West Side News(Single Issue) Sept. 1945
    Westchester May 27, 1885;Dec. 15, 1886
    Westchester (form. Of Westchester)(title chg’d to Country Life July 1982) H. Feb. 1975 – June 1982
    Westchester (form. Westchester Spotlight) Keep indef. H. v.26 April 2002 +
    Westchester Business Journal (chg’d to Westchester County Business J’l) H. v.1 Sept. 1967 – v.20 April 1988
    Westchester Commerce (incomplete holdings- no 1993) Keep indef. H. v.1 #1 Sept. 1985 -v.24 Dec.2009
    Westchester County Business Journal Keep indef., Have V. 20, 4/1988+
    Westchester County Democrat(Single Issue) Dec. 10, 1870
    Westchester County Historical Society Journal Have V. 24, 1948 – V. 29, 1953
    Westchester County Press Keep 1 year
    Westchester County Record Feb. 6, 1884 – Dec. 30, 1891
    Westchester County Times Keep 1 year
    Westchester Enviornment Keep indef. H. 1979 +
    Westchester Historian Keep indef. H. 1955 +
    Westchester Illustrated H. May 1977 – March 1983
    Westchester Law Journal Keep 1 year
    Westchester Library Association Bulletin (formerly WLA Bulletin) Have V.6, 1947 – V. 56, Winter, 1998
    Westchester Life V. 5, 1949 – V. 14, 1958
    Westchester Midweek(Single Issue) Apr. 12, 1933
    Westchester Observer (incomplete in both microfilm & magazine) H. June 1948 – Feb. 1986
    Mfm:June,1948-Feb.1986(Incomplete Run)
    Westchester Rising (formerly Mount Vernon Rising) Keep indef. 4/30/2021+
    Westchester Spotlight (title chg to Westchester in 2002) H. v.25 2001 – v.26 March 2001
    Westchester Spotlight (covering Bronxville, Tuckahoe & Mt. Vernon H. v.8 Jan. 1984 – v.12 June 1987
    (title chg’d to Spotlight in July 1988)
    What to Buy for Business (chg’d to Better Buys for Business in1996) H. 1995 – Sept./Oct. 2002
    Who’s Who? What’s What- Mt. Vernon(Single Issues) Oct. 3, 1897 -Jan. 1, 1898
    Bound: Oct. 3, 1897 – Jan. 1, 1898
    Wilson Library Bulletin H. v.2 June 1922 – v.69 June 1995
    Wired Keep 2 years
    WLA Bulletin (form. Westchester Library Association Bulletin) H. 1947 – 1949; 1955 – 1957; 1958 – 1960; 1961 – 1969, v.36 1975 – V. 50, 1989
    WLA Newsletter H. V. 52, 1990 to 1997
    WLW(Women’s Library Workers) Journal H. v.6 Oct./Dec. 1981 – v.16 Winter 1993
    Women’s Day Keep 5 years
    Women’s Health Keep 1 year
    Women’s Home Companion H. 1913 – Jan. 1957
    Women’s Journal H. June 1926 – June 1931
    Women’s Studies Abstracts H. v.1 1972 – v.19 1990
    Woodworker’s Journal Keep 25 years
    Work Force Keep 3 months
    Workbench (magazine) Keep indef. H. V.56 July 1996 – v.65, 2009  (ceased publishing)
    Workbench (microfilm) (includes Profitable Hobbies) H. v.1 Feb. 1946 – v.51 Jan. 1996 (ceased publishing)
    World (title chg’d to Saturday Review/World on Sept. 11, 1973) H. July 1972 – Aug. 28, 1973
    World Issues H. Oct./Nov. 1976 – March 1979
    World o Archie (YA) Keep 1 year, Have March, 2020 +
    World Press Review H. v.27 1980 – v.44 1997
    World’s Work H. May, 1901 – July 1932
    Writer Keep 3 years
    Writer’s Digest Keep 3 years
    WSJ Keep Current Year
  • X
  • Y-Z
    Yale Law Journal Keep indef. H. Nov. 1974 +
    Yale Review H. v.1 10/1911 – v.79 Sum.1990, v.80 #1&2 4/1992 +
    Yankee Keep 3 years
    Yes: Journal of Positive Futures Keep 3 yrs
    Yesteryears H. v.7 1964 – v.41 1998
    Yonkers Historical Bulletin H. v.12 Jan. 1965 – v.27 #1 Fall 1980
    Yorker (title chg’d to Heritage in Sept./Oct. 1984) Keep indef., Have V. 13, 1955 – V. 42, January – June, 1984
    Young Children (J) Keep indef., Have V. 55, 1995 – V. 71, 2016
    Your Genealogy Today Keep 2 years
    Your Dog Keep 1 year, Have V. 26, March, 2020+
    Zoobooks (J) K. 3 years,   [FLIPSTER]