28 South First Avenue - Mount Vernon, New York 10550 - (914) 668-1840

Blues Concert featuring “KING” SOLOMON HICKS

Blues Concert featuring “KING” SOLOMON HICKS


June 8    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type

Blues Concert featuring “KING” SOLOMON HICKS
Renowned blues guitarist, singer, and composer
Wednesday, June 8 at 7:00 to 8:00 pm
In the Grace Greene Baker Community Room

“King” Solomon has been called ‘Lil’ B.B. King. He has been in the music ’biz since
age 13 as the lead guitarist and performer at the Cotton Club. He recorded
his first CD, Embryonic, at age 14 with the Cotton Club All-Star Band.
Several newspapers and magazines have written about Solomon’s extraordinary talents,
including The Washington Post, The New York Daily News and The New York Times. His story
also received coverage on the PBS and CUNY TV series American Music.
Solomon has worked and played with many artists such as Melvin Sparks, Tony Bennett,
Elvin Bishop, Lonnie Youngblood, the B.B. King Blues Band, the Cotton Club All Stars, and more.

Light refreshments will be served